Day 8

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|Edited: 04/13/17|

"You better get ready, Diaz," Tom said as he swung his flaming sword around. Marco only nodded and went to get his jacket. As he got his jacket from the bathroom, he felt a crumpled paper inside. He took it out and smoothed the paper. It had a rip on the left side, as if it was taken from Star's diary. He looked at the entry and saw that it was dated 10 days ago.

School. Boredom. Ughh.

Today isn't new, though. Marco drooling over Jackie (I don't drool! Marco thought.) Ms. Skullnick going on and on about... ALGEBRA. Or was it grammar? I don't know, I wasn't really paying attention. We were told to write 11 painful things. Instead of writing what I really wanted to write, well...

1. 'Anime feels'
2. Hitting your head on the table.
3. Marco taking away MY nachos.
4. Burnt pancakes.
8. Mom's voice when she's mad.
9. Marco karate chopping you.
10. Coffee in your eyes.
11. Stepping on a Lego.

Although it's what I wrote, it's not what I felt.
Here is the list of my painful things:

1. Bringing back the feeling you've learned to forget.
When I first saw Marco, I'll admit, I have a crush on him. But when I saw Oscar, I believed that I liked him more than Marco. But seeing him with Jackie just made me feel angry.

2. Reminiscing the good times.
All those days with Marco just seemed to fade away. Always with Jackie, barely enough time with me fighting monsters. I've been alone ever since, with only the memories of happiness.

3. Trying to hide what you really feel.
Marco every morning, afternoon, evening. Jackie every other school day. And they're always by each other. And throughout the entire time, trying to contain anger, jealousy, and replacing it with a fake smile.

4. Loving someone who loves another.
I thought that if I ignored my feelings for Marco, they'd be gone. Jackie'll have him, and he'll have her, but I'll be alone, and in the friend zone. And might not be satisfied.

5. Having a commitment with someone you know would not last.
Not really, but I thought that it'll be Oscar, but it was always Marco. There will always be a scar of when I made a lie and believed in it.

6. Shielding your heart to love somebody.
I know that he loves her, and who am I to step in between them? I learned to respect that, even if it breaks me.

7. Loving a person too much.
I may love Marco, but he's my friend. But I love him a lot, making him my life, my world, not knowing that the world he created would come crashing down. Making me believe in a lie.

8. Right love at a wrong time.
Loving Marco when Jackie slowly loves him too. It may not happen, but it could be right. But it could happen, but it can't be right. As they say, "Timing is everything,"

9. Taking the risk to fall in love again.
After Tom, I thought that I could never love again. But when Marco came in, my heart had a reason to beat. I knew that I could experience heartbreak all over again but, it's the crazy things we do for those we love.

10. Accepting that it was never meant to be.
Maybe Starco wasn't canon. I mean... what... nevermind...

11. "What ifs"
What if he loved me once, but I never saw it before? What if he isn't happy with her? What if we could happen? What if...?

"MARCO!" Tom yelled. Marco jumped, clearly surprised. He folded the paper before turning to Tom in the other room. "Let's go," said Tom. Marco nodded, feeling the paper in his pocket.


Star was on the battlefield of Mewni, a wicked expression on her face. Every soldier was there behind her, with swords ready and her parents by her side. Then there was a portal in front of them and put stepped Marco and Tom. "Tom," Star sneered. "Marco,"

"Star," Marco said.

Moon gasped. "The prophecy told about this day," she said to the king. "The day versus the dark,"

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