Mysterious Guy

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Autumn's POV.

My heart skipped a beat which was not normal.

I was still standing there staring at the guy beside Bob.

My body began to tremble and my legs couldn't move.

Who's this guy?

"AUTUMN!" I suddenly snapped back to the real world.


"Autumn, come on. We need to move."

"Oh.. yeah.. okay."

We walked towards Bob and his friend.

Bob smiled and pulled my hand over making me stumble a bit.

The curly guy grabbed both of my arms trying to help me, but I didn't let him.

"Autumn.. This is Harry Styles. Harry, this is Autumn, she is a close friend of my daughter's." Bob introduced, but I was confused the part when he mentioned that I was his daughter's friend until I remembered that this was all an act.

"Autumn.. that's a lovely name." Harry reached out his hand while smiling with his dimples on his cheeks.

I stared down his hand hesitating to shake it.

I looked at Bob and Carroll giving me a 'go on' look.

I looked back at Harry still waiting for me to reply with a shake.

I still hesitated, but I shook it anyways.

Harry suddenly grabbed my hand closer to his lips and kissed it, but I immediately slipped it out from his hold and held it in my chest like I was protecting it.

Harry was taken back on what I did and chuckled as he stood straight.

"What's funny?!?" I snapped.

Harry was surprised then Bob grabbed my right arm while Carroll at the left.

I was pulled away from Harry.

"What was that?!?" Bob scream while whispering at the same time at me.

"What did I do?" I asked confused.

"Y-you.. WHAT! did you even know how you acted in front of him?!? If I were you, I wouldn't be so harsh."

"Well, you're not me." I mumbled

Carroll sigh.

"I knew that this was a bad idea." Bob sigh. "How are you suppose to make him like you with that attitude? Autumn, I'm so sorry, but I gotta let you go. You'll still have a bit money, but I don't think this plan would work."

"Carroll, care taking Autumn back to the limo?"

Carroll sighs and glanced at me before she grabbed my arm again.

"Come on Autumn." I followed Carroll towards the limo.

I sat there silently while Carroll looked out the window with a frown on her face.

I didn't really cared much because at least I still got some money just by wearing this dress and meeting a guy.

Carroll's ringtone rang as she answered it immediately.


Carroll waited for the person at the other line to answer.

"What! Seriously! YAY!! .... okay okay okay.. we'll be on our way back." Carroll slid her white Iphone5 back to her back pocket with a grin on her face.

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