Home Sweet Home

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Autumn's POV

I was in Carroll's car on our way home.

I was happy and scared in the same time.

I was going to face my family again, and I knew how hard it was for me. Especially what had happened.

We entered a familiar neighbourhood after hours of driving.

I could see some posters on walls and lamps. It was a poster of me being missing.

"It's here." I pointed at my house.

Carroll immediately pulled the breaks and the car stopped.

"Wow. So your rich huh?" She chuckled and admired my huge house.

I faked a smile because I didn't really like being that rich.

Well, I guess you could buy anything you want, but you can't really get what you want.

That's how cruel life is.

"Thanks." I said. Carroll turned her head facing me and gave me a small smile.

"You know, I still have the envelope in my bag if you-"

"No." I quickly replied before she could finish her statement.

Carroll sighs. "Here." Carroll shoved a small paper at my face. "I would love if we could hang out sometimes. Give me a ring." I took her card from her hands.

I smiled. "I will."

This is my first time ever having a friend that actually has boobs.

When I was young, I was sad that no girl liked me as a friend, so my brother dressed up like a girl and wore fake boobs.

I chuckled remembering that moment.

We hugged in the end, and I went out of her car.

She drove off while I was still standing in front of my parents house.

I took a deep breath and walked towards the door.

I knocked, and after a few seconds, the door opened.

I saw my mother. She looked horrid.

Her hair was sticking everywhere. Her skin was so pale, and her makeup was ruin.

She was wearing sweatpants and a white shirt. There was a bowl in her hands as well.

She was cooking I guess.

When she noticed it was me, her eyes widens.

I gave her a smile showing my teeth.

She suddenly dropped the bowl of food on the ground making me gasp in shock.

What a waste! Food!

Suddenly, I felt a pair of arms around me.

I could hear my mom sobbing. "Autumn.. Don't ever do that again."

I smiled, and tears escaped my eyes.

I hugged her back, and we went back in the house.

Dad was at his office like always. I stood in front of his glass door.

He was wearing reading glasses while concentrating on his computer.

He has always worked so hard every day.

And that's how you afford a lot of money kids!

I knocked on his door slowly.

His eyes were on mine.

He looked shocked when he noticed who I was.

He stood slowly and walked towards me with a smiles plastered on his face.

He took off his glasses and took a better look of me like he thought that I was just an imagination.

He gave me a bear hug. "Oh, how I miss you."

"I missed you too dad."



I pulled the plug making the screen on Luke's computer turn off. "Hey! Mom, I did my chores already and-" He stopped and noticed that it was me and not mom.

I chuckled.

His eyes widen, then he smirked. "Glad to have you back sis." I smiled and hugged him tightly.

"Okay-okay. Stop with the Lovey Dovey! I have a reputation to maintain here." He whined while I rolled my eyes.

We had a family dinner just like before.

Home sweet home.

It seemed like forever, but I was also sad because Harry wasn't here.

Tears build up in my eyes, but I fought them.

I was glad that they didn't ask me what happened when I was gone.

Let's just say that I was almost over Niall, but I wasn't over Harry at all.

"Is everything all right sweetheart?" My mom asked.

I looked towards her and gave her my widest smile.

I fought back the tears. "Never been better." I lied.

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