Years Pass

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Harry's POV

It has been 3 years, and I haven't gotten over Otto.

I tried to get my mind off of her by meeting some other girls, but it never worked.

My mind just is addicted to her.

The only problem that those girls never worked was because they weren't Otto.

I have just been concentrating in my career with the boys like the usually.

Tours, fans, paparazzi and those stuff.

Liam broke up with his girlfriend weeks ago.

Louis is still with his lovely girlfriend.

Niall is still finding 'the one' and Zayn is happily engaged.

"Hey Harry!" I heard two voices moved in sync.

I snapped my head towards the voice and saw two familiar faces.

Nicole and Nikki.

I heard what they've been through, so me and the boys took them in our hands.

We have way more security everywhere we go after the kidnapping happened.

I reported the police about Rick, but he was nowhere to be found.

Nikki and Nicole were now our stylist.

We became close friends ever since.

Never thought that Nikki would be one of them. But she's nice when she doesn't try to get in your pants.




Autumn's POV

"And don't do anything you would regret on doing okay?"

"Yeah mom. Okay." I rolled my eyes.

My mom was babling about me going to college and how to use protection.

I mean come on! What kind of mother does that?


I stepped out of the car with my bags in hand.

My mom rolled the window down. She gave me a tight hug and kisses on both of my cheeks.

"I'll miss you so much sweetheart."

"I'll miss you too mom." I broke the hug and saw my mom in tears as I looked at her in awe.

"I'll be alright mom. I'll visit if I can. Don't worry." I said.

"My baby is all grown up!" I chuckled before giving her a short hug.

"Bye mom!" I waved away walking to a new beginning.

It has been three years and I haven't got over Harry.

I don't think I will ever.

I never tried to go out with any guys. The fact that I'm still traumatize by what happened when I ran away from home.

It's really hard for me to trust people that doesn't have boobs.

I never talked about it with any of my family.

I didn't want them to worry and make me go to those places where people has problems to talk about.

I inserted the key and opened the door to my new dorm.

I saw a girl sitting on a desk.

She had long blonde hair with some pink at the edge.

She noticed me and gave me a smile.

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