Barbie Fake & Plastic

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Harry, Niall and I took the elevator to go back to our room.

Wherever Harry and I went, we always made the floor muddy.

Sometimes we got in trouble, but we got away because Harry was famous and all.

I was really shocked when he told me that he was in a boy band called one direction with those other four boys.

The elevator door opened, but it was not our floor yet.

A girl with a blonde hair stood in front of us.

She had bangs, and she wore thick makeup.

She was wearing a mini purple skirt. A pink tank top showing some of her belly.

Her nails were polished red and she was wearing huge accessories everywhere.

She smirked and looked towards Harry.

Harry was using his phone so he didn't notice her until Niall poked his elbow.

"What?" Harry lifted his face to look at Niall.

Niall was still looking at 'Barbie.' And yeah, I'm calling her Barbie because she looks fake and plastic.

"Whore-sss.. is here." Niall smirked making Barbie look offended.

I smirked. It seemed like he was calling her a 'whore,' which I completely agreed with.

Harry turned towards what Niall was looking at and noticed Barbie.

"Hey babe, miss me?" Barbie smiled evilly.

Before the elevator door closed, Barbie had blocked it with her heels.

"In your dreams." Harry glared at her.

"Let's talk."

"What do you want Nikki?"

"You." She smiled.

".I already have a girlfriend. Even if I don't. I would never be with you. I do not want anything that involves you. Like, EVER."

This Barbie, so called, 'Nikki' turned to face me.

She scanned all over me from my toe to my hair covered with mud.

She glared at me and rolled her blue eyes with those fake thick eyelashes.

Nikki looked back at Harry and sweetly smiled at him making me roll my eyes.

She suddenly stepped in and pulled Harry out.

The elevator door directly shut before Niall, and I could follow them out.

Wow, what a coincidence. It was like the elevator wanted Nikki to take Harry away from us.

"Harry!" I shouted.

I pressed the button repeatedly so we could go back to the second floor.

It took a long time since a lot of people were using the elevator now.

Some canceled because they saw a mud monster in it.


Harry's POV.

I was pulled out of the elevator with Nikki holding my collar.

She smirked and let go as she wiped it with her tissue because some mud were stuck on her fingers.

Now, she put her fingers against my chest. I swiped it away immediately.

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