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Harry's POV

I felt a pair of arms over my shoulders.

I ignored it, but then I heard someone crying.

I lifted my face a little and saw the face whom I didn't want to see.


I didn't want her to come here and save me.

I didn't want her to get hurt because of me.

Damn it!

Autumn was sobbing while her arms were still around me.

My eyes were teary, but I had to be strong for her.

I wanted to tell her to get out of here, but I couldn't.

They taped my mouth. I didn't know why they did it, but they just did.

Rick was planning something, and I have a feeling that it will involve Otto.

I tried to tell her, but it came out as a muffle.

She looked at me in tears and tried to take off the tape that was covering my mouth.

The door burst open. Rick and three of his guards were behind him.

They entered the room and took Otto away from me making my eyes grew wide.

What is he going to do?

One of them held Otto tightly in his hands.

She tried to get out of his grip, but I knew that it was no use.

I tried to shout at them. I wanted to tell them to let her go.

Otto was screaming and cursing at Rick and tried to not look so scared.

Rick was just watching us amused like we were his new entertainment.

Suddenly, the two other guys stepped in front of Otto.

They began to beat her up.

My body tensed, and I shouted even more under the tape.

I couldn't fight the tears anymore.

It slipped out of my eyes and teared down my cheeks.

They kept on hitting Otto.

Why is he doing this?! She didn't do anything to him!

She just an innocent girl!

I wiggled my body and tried to get out of this chair, but I couldn't.

She was screaming, but she tried to hold it. I could see the tears falling down her cheeks.

Suddenly, the door opened, and Nikk stood there.

Her eyes widen, but then it turned into sadness.

She directly closed the door when she noticed Rick inside.

I kept on trying to get out of the ropes. It was loosen a little now, but not enough for me to get out of it.

I watched Otto being beaten up, and I couldn't do anything to help her.

This was all my fault. If I haven't hanged out with these guys, she wouldn't be hurt.

Rick suddenly smirked and told them to stop.

Otto was fully seen now. I could see blood on her skin. Her eye was purple, and a lot of scars and bruises.

More than I had. She looked at me in exhaustion.

Tears slipped down my cheeks. I couldn't bare seeing her like this.

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