That Son of a Itch-Bay

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Nikki's POV

I was on my way back to my apartment.

Chloe was still sleeping beside me and all buckled up.

I parked at my usual spot and took Chloe in my arms before I stepped out and went in my apartment.

Nicole was at the dining room.

When she noticed me, her eyes grew wider and she ran towards me to take Chloe from me.

"Where have you been? I've been worried sick!" She complained making me roll my eyes at her before I sat on the sofa.

"I told you that I just brought your kid to the park and went back here." I said.

"Well, it's not supposed to take like, five frickin hours to go for a walk in the park." She sat beside me while rocking Chloe back and forth in her arms.

"We went to grab some lunch and swing by Harry's place." I said, not lying.

If you haven't caught up yet, let me tell you something.

Chloe was never my child nor Harry's.

She's Nicole's.

And yes, Nicole has a daughter and she's a single mother.

The father left her when he found out.

Nicole never told anyone about her kid for some unknown reason, but I knew that she loved her very much.

I do know that Nicole doesn't like people pitying her when they know that she's a single mother.

"You went to see Harry with my child?! Didn't he ask questions about her?!" She raised her voice a little.

"Sshhh.. Chloe's asleep." I put my index finger on my lips. "Don't worry, he didn't see Chloe." I lied and took out my phone.

Nicole had no idea that I was using her own daughter for my plan because I knew that she would not let me.

I often get to hang out with the kid because Nicole has always been the busy one and I got to be the aunt sitter.

Harry's POV

I was lying beside Otto.

Her head was on my shoulder while my arm was under her neck.

I closed my eyes shut and began to fallen asleep until I heard Otto whispering my name.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked down at her.

"Are you awake?" She said in a low voice.

"I am now." I replied making her giggle.


"It's fine." I began to stroke her soft hair with my bare hand. "What's wrong?" I asked.

Otto began to tell me what was on her mind.

She said that she didn't like it if I would see Nikki for our kid.

She told be that she didn't want me to be around Nikki, but she knew that it was impossible since Nikki had the daughter of my child.

I sigh and hugged her tighter. "I know."

That was the only thing that I could think of as a reply.

I also didn't like having a kid with that bitch.

I just hope that my daughter isn't like her.

I saw some resemblance between Chloe and I.

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