Doggy Paddle

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Autumn's POV

It has been two weeks since I woke up from my coma.

My family came to visit and surprisingly, I remembered them.

The doctor said that not all my memories are lost, so I was glad to hear that.

My family visited once a week since they live in another city, but sometimes, they could stay over night and leave in the morning.

My doctor told me that I could leave today.

I was excited because I'll be spending my time with Harry.

I actually spend time with him either way, but I just wanted to go somewhere else than this hospital.

He has been skipping school because he wanted to see me, which was really sweet.

He said that the school wasn't important to him because Simon just wanted to teach him a lesson.

Fine by me.

He told me that he was in a boy band which was not a surprise.

I herd that he wrote a song for me, but I've never asked.

Plus, Niall's voice seems reasonable.

The door swung open and familiar faces appeared.

Harry and the three boys were walking towards my bed with a smile on each of their faces.

I haven't seen Niall since Harry scolded him.

Either the boys did.

I wonder what really happened between us.

I really wanted my memory back.

Harry came over beside me and gave me peck on the cheek like all the time.

Even if it was a routine for him now, I never got used to it.

My cheeks were turning red like a tomato as I looked down and smiled.

His soft lips just makes me happy if they were on my skin.

"Ready to get out of this horrid place love?" His deep British accent said.

I nodded slowly.

I still had an injury on my leg so I'll be using a wheelchair.

I've always wanted to use one of those.

I was too lazy to walk anyways, so score!

Harry carried me bridal style all of a sudden making a shriek escape out of my mouth.

He set me down on the wheelchair and began to push it out of the room while the other boys chuckled, following behind.

I asked Harry where we were going, but he just told me that it was a secret that he should know, and for I to find out.

I glared at him wondering where he was taking me.

We stopped on the counter and made Harry sign some stuff before they would let us out of here.

Then Liam took over with my wheelchair.

He pushed it towards a van.

Zayn carried me bridal style and put me down inside it.

The other boys came in and sat.

Harry was next to me and held my hands, surprisingly.

I looked at our fingers tangled to each other making me blush.

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