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two years until

josh's hands were shaking.

after three years of pretty much not feeling any other emotion besides melancholy, then to be replaced with a mix of fear and excitement in a mere day, he was unsure of how to control himself.

he held his cardboard box, which only held copies of the same ugly, grey clothes the patients were all assigned to wear, in said shaky hands, unprepared of how his meeting with tyler was going to go.

he was either going to die, be shoved back into a solitary room, or watch as tyler is dragged away by guards for screaming too much.

josh never saw what tyler looked like, nor ever even spoke to him, but he wasn't looking forward to seeing him.

the guard unlocked josh's door and nodded slightly at the boy. josh sighed before standing, looking around the room one more time, then walking out the door.

his heart was beating fast for the first time since he committed the murders, but this time he wasn't getting an satisfied rush.

his breathing hitched, but he quickly looked down, trying to keep it under control so the guard wouldn't overreact like most did.

luckily, he got off with a dirty look before the two continued walking, presumably to the room he was brought to before where he met with gaspipe.

sweat began to form on his hairline as the door was pushed open, leading the two to another hallway.

their footsteps echoed as they walked, filling the atmosphere with even more eeriness than usual.

as josh predicted, they stopped at the same grey door as before, and even though josh didn't know it was possible, his heart began to beat even faster.

as the guard opened the door, it revealed gaspipe, sitting behind his desk like before, facing them, but now with the addition of another person. or, at least, the back of another person's head.

josh gulped before stepping inside.

the guard left, closing the door on his way.

"mr. joshua dun," gaspipe announced, "i hope you have all your things."

josh winced as his name was said, preparing for whatever the brunet figure might do or how he would react, but was surprised when tyler did... nothing.

why didn't tyler react?

josh held up his cardboard box, showing gaspipe that he did have all his things, but another thought was rushing through his head.

maybe tyler didn't know it was him?

"mr. joseph," gaspipe said, speaking to tyler now, "i would assume you'd like to become acquaintanced with mr. dun here, you will be spending the next two years together, after all."

josh froze as tyler slowly turned around, moving like he was a statue who was just brought to life.

the first thing that came to mind when josh first laid eyes on tyler was one thing:

he looked just like her.

josh's chest hurt as he became confused with emotions. he looked just like her... yet, he was, well, attractive.

tyler turned back around to face gaspipe. josh was only scared he didn't sound like her too.

still, he continued wondering why tyler didn't react.

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