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two years until

"j-josh?" tyler asked a few hours later, laying on his bed and staring out the window.


"w-what's your fav-vorit-te anim-mal?"

josh raised an eyebrow, "um, cats i guess... why?"

tyler shrugged, "i d-dunno. what's y-your favorite c-color?"

"so like a question game?" josh asked, "or are you just interrogating me?"

tyler smiled weakly at his hands, "f-fine... you c-caught me, i-i'm a secret -polic o-officer, this is an -i-interrog-gation. n-now tell me... w-what's your f-favorite c-color?"

josh laughed lightly, "um, blue probably. i'm not sure, i like them all.... what about you?"

"r-red... i-i think." the brunet admitted. "w-what... er, what k-kind of m-music do you l-listen to?"

'did i listen to...' josh thinks, correcting tyler mentally before saying anything out loud.

"a lot of stuff, usually." he says, trying to recall his favorite artists, "i like the skrillex and diplo album... cashmere cat... kishi bashi... i usually listen to a lot of electronic music. oh, and madeon too. you?"

"i-i really like d-death cab for c-cutie, and a b-bit of sig-gur ros."

"yeah, i like death cab for cutie. soul meets body is probably one of my favorites." josh says.

tyler nods. "i w-wish, s-sometimes, that i-i c-could make m-music l-like that. t-that i was, l-like, t-talented, or something."

"you make music? dude, that's so cool."

"n-no... not r-really. it was a-anoy-y-ying," tyler said, blinking a few times after he managed to finish the last word, "m-my m-mom hated it, t-told me it was a d-d-dumb d-dream. i d-don't know why-why i d-didn't believe her."

josh raised an eyebrow. "um, how long ago did she die?" he asked, although he already knew the answer quite well.

tyler sighed, "t-thirteen, i think, t-thirteen years ag-go."

"then why didn't you make music after that? i mean, it's plenty of time."

"b-because she was r-right, it was d-d-dumb. why w-wouldn't i st-t-top?"

josh wanted to state, 'because she was lame and that's why i killed her, dumbass,", but he held his tongue. "maybe... she was wrong?"

tyler sighed, leaning back against the wall, criss-crossing his legs. "w-what ab-bout you, then? d-d-do you like m-making music?"

"i played drums in a small band in high school with my friends... but we never made it out of my garage."

"i wish i-i c-could have h-heard some t-t-tapes."

"nah, it's not worth it. we sucked." josh laughed half-heartedly.

"p-please..." tyler stuttered, looking up at josh with a half-smile, an expression that made something in josh's chest flutter. "y-you couldn't hav-ve been t-that b-bad."

"oh, believe me, we really were." josh smiled, shaking his head.

just then, almost as if on queue, their door was opened and dewees stood in the doorway.

"c'mon," josh told tyler, getting up and following dewees out the door.

they trailed in the back of two long rows of people, every one of them on their way to lunch.

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