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1 year, 11 months, and three weeks until

"it's really weird." josh said a week later, readjusting himself in the chair.

"how?" schizo asked.

"it's like, we hold hands when walking in rows, his smile makes me... happy... and all i want to do is listen to him talk all day, stutter and all. i don't know what's going on."

schizo only gave josh a weird glance, one that josh couldn't even decipher.

"you'll learn soon, joshua." she replied with a small smile, "but once you do, i highly suggest not taking action."

"what are you talking about?"

schizo slammed shut her book, sliding it in a nearby filing cabinet. "keep in mind, you killed this boy's mother. i wouldn't become too close after you get out of here."

"that's in like two years... and again, what the fuck are you saying?"

"what i'm saying, joshua, is that your time is up for today. dewees is waiting outside the door to bring you back, i'll see you tomorrow."

"no, explain what you're talking about first," josh said hastily, face full of confusion.

schizo clicked her tongue, "no, but i always could just tell gaspipe that you're being difficult..."

josh scowled, sinking back in his chair. one bad review to gaspipe and he was sure to be landed back in the criminal ward. alone. without tyler.

schizo flicked her hand, and josh grudgingly left the room, being ushered by dewees back to tyler.

he shoved josh in the room by his neck before slamming the door.

josh guessed dewees was still offended by the 'weird name' comment.

rubbing the back of his neck, josh, with two strides, made his way over to his bed and flopped down, letting his face be covered by the pillow.

"you o-okay?" tyler asked.

josh nodded, "yeah.. just tired."

tyler nodded, resting his elbows on his knees. "d-do you kn-now what t-today is?"

josh picked his head up from the pillow, half-smiling. "it's been a week since you got here, right?"

tyler nodded happily, picking his head up from his hands and swinging his legs back and forth.

josh smiled at the way he was sitting, though he didn't really know why.

"good job, i guess, sorry, i'm not exactly sure."

"it's g-good!" tyler exclaimed, "i haven't had-d a b-breakd-down y-yet!"

josh nodded, understanding what tyler meant. although it wasn't the same, josh had a small breakdown his first week in prison, despite knowing he just needed to wait to get out.

yet, there was still something josh had been wondering about tyler. it had been a full week, he figured, so it couldn't hurt to ask now, right?

josh cleared his throat before speaking, trying to phrase it in the most polite way possible, "if you, well, you've never really told me why you're here," he said, "am i.. can i know?"

"i t-told y-you," tyler said, "m-my mom d-died,"

josh felt the familiar drop in his stomach whenever that subject was brought up, but he ignored it as usual. "yeah, but like, all you ever really said was that bad stuff happened, and her murder was like, twelve years ago now.."

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