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1 year

the two boys followed ray out the door, linking hands as normal. josh cringed once again at the comment from whoever was behind them, which was a regular thing by now. josh didn't let it bother him, but it still pissed him off.

"move it, fag."

josh only rolled his eyes, ignoring whatever brute was behind them as they reached the lunchroom.

shuffling patients shakily carrying lunch trays and guards running around after the runners crossed their paths when they stepped through the door, which is the usual situation for the lunchroom in the act care ward.

they made their way, hands still together, to their usual table, but we're slightly surprised to see it was empty.

they turned their heads up to quickly see ray hurrying over to the two.

"oh, yeah, sorry, tré and mike were signed out yesterday." he explained, panting.

"so we're alone?" josh asked, a smile begging to show.

"nah, don't worry, two more are on their way over here right now."

josh shrunk a bit, 'oh, believe me, i wasn't worrying...' he thought.

tyler and josh sat at their normal seats at the table, just waiting for whoever the new people were to show up so they could get lunch.

suddenly, across the room, there was a loud thud, making the boys look up in surprise.

about three guards were attempting to contain two patients, who wouldn't stop fighting each other, yelling and throwing stuff.

josh crossed his fingers.

a few minutes passed by, neither tyler nor josh taking interest in the commotion across the room.

until, that is, a guard approached their table with the two patients who were fighting.

josh groaned under his breath.

"play nice," the guard said before shoving the two down across from tyler and josh.

when the guards left, the two only crossed their arms and gave out a huff, obviously still angered by what the other had done to start the fight.

josh didn't want to start anything, so he stayed quiet with tyler, waiting for the opportunity to get food so they could leave and go to open.

god, he missed normal meals with brendon and dallon.

"who're you?" one of the men spoke up, bringing josh's attention to him.


"yeah, dumbass."

"um, i'm josh,"

the guy nodded, "i'm spencer. smith."

"oh, um, nice to meet you..."

"no it's not, you just saw me trying to rip off jonny's head, then i called you a dumbass. don't pretend, kid."

josh nodded, biting his lip awkwardly.

"well," spencer continued, "are you gonna introduce me to your friend here? or is it a chipmunk? he looks like a chipmunk."

"shut the fuck up, spencer. why are you always so fucking rude?" the other guy suddenly said, whipping his head around.

"i'm rude? me? only a few minutes ago you said to me, and i quote, if i were anymore inbred i'd be a sandwich."

"that's because it's true."

"see kid," spencer turned back to josh, "this here's jon walker. if i wanted to kill myself, i'd climb to his ego and jump to his iq."

josh's jaw dropped as jon jumped across the table and began laying punches down on spencer's face.

tyler began to shake and he clutched onto josh's arm before turning away, not wanting to see the scene up close.

guards began to run towards the four, jon and spencer still fighting and yelling out insults while tyler held on to josh for dear life.

"you know what? your gene pool could use a little chlorine." jon spat at spencer.

"dude, you couldn't pour water out of a boot if the instructions were on the sole." spencer returned.

jon punched spencer in the jaw, and the two were suddenly on to ground.

"you look like a before picture!"

spencer grabbed jon's arm, twisting it so much that him let out a shriek.

"you coffin dodging oxygen thief!"

"what doesn't kill you...disappoints me."

jon pulled his arm back, then used to other one to promptly punch spencer again, repeatedly in the face.

"you're like the top piece of bread. everybody touches you, but nobody wants you."

"if you look up stupid in the dictionary, you'll find a picture of you."

"yeah, well at least my dictionary doesn't have pictures, you fucking idiot."

guards finally made their way over to the scene, pulling the two off each other, getting scratched and kicked in the process. spencer and him were still yelling at each other.

"you're the byproduct of too much tequila and a gas station condom," spencer growled at jon, trying to get away from the guard to the fight could continue.

"the best part of you ran down your mother's legs!" jon finally yelled, and that's when everyone knew who won.

"what the fuck did you just say about my mom?" spencer yelled, just before an employee handed the guard a small tank and mask. the guard slipped the mask over spencer's nose and mouth, finally knocking him out and causing him to drift into a sleep.

"what an idiot... he doesn't even know what that means." jon muttered before being taken out if the room, followed the the guard dragging spencer.

the cafeteria fell eerily silent with the excitement gone. nobody checked if josh and tyler were alright, nor did try check anyone else. nobody cared.

tyler, however, was still shaking and refused to let go of josh.

"ty, man, it's okay," josh cooed, but tyler was still holding on.

"i-i know, j-josh, i kn-now it is,"

josh squeezed tyler closer just as food was finally being served.

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