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2 months until

"so," schizo begins, crossing her legs and balancing the clipboard on her knee, "two months left here."

josh smiles slightly, but doesn't say anything.

he can't let her know about him and tyler.

don't take action, those were the words.

"how have you and tyler been?" she asked next.

"good, good. no big deal."

"yeah? not even your relationship?"

josh's heart stopped.

"no. sadly."

"joshua," schizo tilted her head, "i know that you and him are together."

"well, it's kind of forced-"

"joshua, i know."

josh scoffed and readjusted in his chair.

schizo sighed, "one of my other patients has the same lunch as you. every day, he walks behind you two in line. he hates you guys, always calls you two 'faggots'."

josh bit his lip.

"he vents about you two every day, and i know that you two have been holding hands to lunch almost forever now. and, i know you two kissed yesterday while walking. matty told me."


"what did i tell you? didn't I say not to-"

"-take action, i know, but you don't know him the way i do! you don't see him the way i do! i love him, schiz, and there's nothing you can do."

"actually, there is."

she uncrossed her legs and picked up a pen, promptly writing on her board faster than josh had ever seen her write before.

he wanted to slap the board out of her hand.

to be honest, he almost laughed to himself thinking about it.

he just hoped she wouldn't ruin everything. he's the happiest he's ever been since landing in this place, and there's no way she could take it away.

"you killed his mom."

"i know."

"and now you're dating him."

"i know."

she shook her head, clicking her tongue three times.

"good luck."

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