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9 months and two weeks until

josh subconsciously crackled his knuckles, bored while waiting for schizo to finish her mental conversation.

"shut up, shut up, shut up," she muttered quietly, josh's ears picking it up anyway because the room was otherwise eerily quiet.

"sorry, joshua," she shook her head, looking back up at the boy with a smile josh rarely ever saw.

"it's okay."

"now then," she said, straightening her papers, "back to it."

josh groaned, slouching in the chair.

"i'm really getting sick of these sessions, ya know," he told her, "like, they've always been boring and annoying, but now i just want to slit my throat, ya know?"

schizo raised an eyebrow before writing something down.

josh's eyes went wide, "not literally! don't write that."

"already done."

"ugh, i'm gonna be here forever."

the woman sighed, "you have nine months left-"

"nine and two weeks," josh corrected.

"- but it could become more if you're not suited to go."

"i've been ready to go even before i was sentenced to come here!" josh nearly yelled out of frustration before readjusting in the uncomfortable chair.

"tell me, joshua,"

he looked up at her.

"has anything, especially around tyler, of whom you're so infatuated with, happened recently?"

"well," josh began, "brendon and dallon are an official thing now, so that's happening."


he nodded.

"and how has that made you feel?"

"well me and tyler always theorized that they were a thing since day one, so it's not like a real change."

"one, it's tyler and i-"

"you grammar nazi."

"two, now that their relationship is official, how does that make you feel?"

josh shrugged, "i dunno. indifferent."

"really? not jealous? envious?"

josh bit the inside of his cheek.

"so... i'm taking that as a yes for at least one?"

"no, no, you told me i couldn't."

"i said you shouldn't take action,"


"but that doesn't stop feelings."

"why are you asking? what does this have to do with my mental health?"

"they all think you have no emotions," schizo began to explain.

"who's they?"

"the people who decided you'd be best in here."

"oh. them. fuck them."

"yes, i'm aware. they believed you had no emotions, which is why they think you killed that woman, and slammed you in here. if you have no emotions, then you'd feel no guilt, you'd have no conscious, and there on."

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