s i x t e e n

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11 months and three weeks until

(note: sorry for the late update, i intended to publish this before going on vacation but didn't finsih then after that just kept procrastinating altogether. oops)

tyler and josh were awoken to a loud screech over the intercom outside, basically jumping in their bed. that's how they already knew that day was going to be hell, and that the previous noises from last night weren't just strange, vague memories.

"patients," the voice, notably gaspipe's, announced, "there has been a breach in security- last night, an unwell patient escaped from the east ward. you are all instructed to stay in your rooms until he is found, no lunch, no open, no therapies."

josh groaned, for this wasn't the first time this had happened. if you admit yourself, you're not allowed to leave until you are deemed 'well, and that's the problem. people admit themselves thinking they can leave whenever they want, and when they're told they can't, they try anyway.

tyler, on the other hand, looked scared out of his mind. eyes wide, hands shaky, still on the floor, he was a wreck.

"ty, but, it's gonna be alright-"

"b-but what if it's n-not? huh, josh? w-what if they c-come here and t-try to hurt us? you?! th-this is a b-building full of psychopaths!"

"tyler, it's fine, people used to break out all the time. they're either found or run off outside. i promise, nothing is going to hurt us."

tyler sniffed, "well, i've b-been here f-for around a year n-now, when was t-the last t-time there was a b-breakout?"

josh felt himself freeze. sure, the last break out was years ago, but he couldn't tell tyler that or else the brunet would think josh did something really bad to land him in here.

well, he did do something really bad, but he doesn't want tyler to know that.

"like a month before you got here." josh lied.

tyler was still breathing heavily, and he was still on the floor, but josh could tell he calmed down just a tad.

"w-well what d-do we do, then?"

josh shrugged, climbing over and sitting down next to tyler.

"whatever we want, i guess."

tyler sighed, leaning on josh.

"we can't leave, and usually these things only last for like, a day or two. we'll be fine, ty."

josh dragged the blanket from the bed to wrap around him and tyler, seeing as it didn't look like tyler had any plans on moving from his floor seat anytime soon.

"how d-do we always end-d-d up like this? sitting n-next to each other, one of u-us l-leaning on t-the other?"

"i don't know," josh answered, smiling, "but i don't mind."

"m-me neither."

minutes turned to hours as the two tried to keep themselves occupied in the confined space, laughing and talking about the future. it actually took the escapee off tyler's mind, which josh was happy for. he didn't like seeing tyler that worried.

"no no no," josh corrected tyler, "it's two fist bumps, not three. c'mon man, you have to remember this stuff!"

"right- right, only t-two," tyler shook his head, "then the thumb thing?"

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