s e v e n t e e n

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11 months and three weeks until

groaning, tyler rolled over in bed the next morning, waking up josh in the process.

the sun was shining brightly through the small window while it was still lightly raining, the mixed sound of rain and birds creating an odd morning ambiance.

"tyler," josh complained, rubbing his eyes, "try and be more quiet when waking up, yeah?"

tyler didn't answer, he simply stretched and yawned, two of his band aids falling off in the process.

"you're a wreck." josh commented, jokingly.

tyler smiled at him, still half asleep, his eyes barely opened.

suddenly, a guard (who neither josh nor tyler recognized) walked by their door, banging on it loudy.

hissing at the loud noise, tyler feel back onto the pillow, leaving josh to get up and answer.

bones cracking as normal, josh met the guard's eyes through the glass in the door, waiting for him to say something.

"the escapee was seen fleeing the hospital on the security camera. your days will continue as normal," he said, groggily, obviously way too tired for a morning shift.

josh nods before watching the guard walk to the next door, only to repeat the same message.

"hey ty," josh said, turning back to the boy who was repeatedly slapping himself in an effort to wake up, "the guy left, it's back to normal."

"oh g-good," tyler yawned, "i was s-scared we were g-gonna be stuck for a w-while."

"nah, i told you it was going to be fine." josh smiled brightly, "normal stuff."

tyler tilted his head, "i n-never doubted you."


tyler mushed around the food on his tray absentmindedly, as per usual. he only really ate a few bites from each 'meal' per day anyway. josh always scolded him for it, but tyler shrugged it off.

"t-think they're g-gonna bring in an-nyone else to r-replace spencer and j-jon?" tyler asked.

"probably," josh answered, "but not for a couple weeks though. i think it'll just be us two at lunch for a while."

"i think i p-p-prefer that, a-actually."

"me too."

josh took a few more bites of the gruel. it, as normal, was absolutely disgusting, but josh was hungry so he dealt with it.

"josh, c-can i ask y-you a question?"

josh raised an eyebrow, "yeah sure, what is it?"

tyler fumbled with his fingers for a second before speaking, "i'm still c-confused."

"about what?"

"b-being gay."

"oh..." josh pauses, "well that's okay. lots of people are confused."

"yeah, b-but now i'm even m-more confused."


"i dunno, i was j-just thinking a l-lot last n-night. i couldn't sleep f-for a while."

josh looked sympathetic, "it's alright man. you'll figure it out when you get out of here hopefully."

tyler nodded, "thanks josh."

"hey, see that? no stutter! you're gonna be fine, ty."

tyler smiled, proud of himself.


(really short filler chapter oops)

(also this all has meaning just wait okay sorry it's really choppy and bad rn)

(peace out)

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