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11 months until

(trigger warning i guess?)

tyler couldn't believe what he was seeing.

he was in a small room, of sorts. one built out of brick, one with no windows, one where only a single light bulb hung from the ceiling, giving off an eerie, yellow glow.

"josh?" tyler called out, confused, as the light grew and began covering more area of the room.

"j-josh?" tyler asked again, only to have no response.

then, a sudden thought popped into his head.

"oh, i forgot, i don't know josh.'

tyler recalled meeting josh, a boy with red red hair and lively eyes, for only a few seconds while getting his mom coffee a week ago. he was so entranced by him, he made up a story like they were friends.

yeah, a made up fairytale where someone actually liked tyler.

"mom?" tyler called out, a bit louder, shaking just slightly.

the light grew more, and began to reveal the things hung on the walls, and tyler really began to shake.

"m-mom, why am-m i here?" he called out.

"because, my boy," a voice suddenly answered from behind him. a woman's voice, one that made tyler freeze in fear. "you weren't very well behaved, were you?"

tyler gulped. "i'm s-sorry..."

"well now, sorry isn't going to turn back the clock, is it?"

tyler shook his head.

"i told you, today in the supermarket, to get the ingredients for tonight's dinner. instead, i see you talking to that bitch jenna."

"i'm sorry, m-m-mom," tyler said, "she w-was asking m-me a question,"

"well i told you not to talk her her, especially after she called the police."

"i'm s-sorry."

"sorry doesn't change anything."

tears began to brim tyler's eyes and he took in a breath as he heard something being lifted off the wall.

he looked around quickly, careful not to let his mom see, and looked for an exit. yet, no windows, no doors.

tears finally began to fall when he watch his mom raise her arm.

ten minutes later, tyler was quietly sobbing while his mom was putting the item back on the wall. tyler's hands were cracked and bleeding, and currently there was more blood on his palms than visible flesh. he didn't even want a mirror to see what wounds were on his face.

"there." his mom said, turning around to face her son. "have you learned your lesson?"

tyler sniffed, "i'm s-s-sorry, i w-won't d-do it again. i d-deserve this."

"right you are. and what do you say?"

"i l-love you, mom."

tyler's mother opened a cabinet upon hearing the four words, and took out a small tin. she instructed tyler to flick his hands, where most of the blood had fallen onto the floor.

tyler's mom opened the small box, and pulled out a single band aid. removing the covering, she placed it carelessly on tyler's one hand, only half on a cut. it didn't cover nearly enough, and his hands were still bleeding profusely, and yet, tyler still spoke up.

band aids ↠ joshler ✔Where stories live. Discover now