t w e l v e

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1 year and 1 month

the room was quiet. 

well, it was always quiet, but usually the silence was replaced with talking between tyler and josh.

but after spending a year together, neither could find anything to talk about anymore.

tyler was sat on top of his bed, picking at the new cotton band aids on his hands. josh was on his bed underneath, trying to take a nap.

"jjooooosshh...." tyler groaned, falling on his back.

josh blinked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "yeah?"

"i'm b-bored."

"we're always bored."

"what are you d-d-doing?"

"i was gonna take a nap..."

"c-can i..."

"c'mere," josh smiled, scooting over and tyler climbed down and laid next to him.

josh put his arm around the other boy's shoulders as the two simply laid there together.

"i used t-to have a g-girlfriend," tyler stated out of nowhere.

josh raised an eyebrow, "yeah?"

"her n-name was j-jenna," tyler smiled slightly at the memory, "she was r-really p-pretty. b-blonde hair, b-blue eyes, a g-g-gorgeous smile..."

"she, um, sounds nice.."

"yeah, she w-was... b-but it was weird..."

"really? how?"

"she said she l-loved me, and i said i l-loved her t-too, b-but it felt m-more like a r-really g-good friendship than a r-romantic r-relationship..."



"um, sorry, but why are you telling me this, exactly?" josh asked.

"i d-dunno." tyler answered, "thinking t-too much, i g-guess."

josh nodded before thinking over whether he should ask the next question or not. "why'd you two split?"

tyler looked off, "...mom... uh,"

he paused, and josh nodded again, letting tyler know it was okay to go on,

"j-jenna told m-me what everyone else d-did, that i w-was b-being abused. i t-told her i wasn't, b-but she d-didn-t listen.. shortly after, s-she left."

"that's awful, dude."

tyler shrugged, "i'm over it.. it w-was f-forever ago."

"did you date anyone after her?"

"n-no, i just g-got an apartment and s-stayed there until ad-dmitting myself here."

josh nodded glumly, unsure of what to say.

the guilt was slowly eating him up, increasing with every passing day.

"what ab-b-bout you?" tyler asked curiously.


"y-yeah, any g-girlfriends, like, b-before you c-came here?"

"oh," josh said, "well there was this girl, debby i think her name was, in freshman year."

"of c-college?"

"uh, yeah," josh lied. he never got the chance to go to college, but he knew university of columbus probably regretted accepting him after hearing the news of, 'the teenage murderer'.

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