Five More Minutes...

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My Mom rubbed my shoulder to wake me up.

"Five more minutes." I mumble, only to receive a snort in return.

"Huh?" I said, sitting up quickly, only finding myself face to face with a square, pink pig.

"Wha?..." my question died. Do I really want to know the answer anyway?

Someone groaned beside me. "Alex?" Tommy said. I climbed to my feet and found Tommy staring at me in annoyance.

"Why we're you in my basement?!" He yelled angrily.

I rolled my eyes. "Gee, I don't know Tommy, maybe because Jeremy and his buddies pushed me through the basement window! Where even are we?!" I yelled exasperation, throwing my hands into the air.

Tommy ran his strangely square hands down his blocky face. My eyes widened as I looked down at my own hands and felt my own blocky face.

"Wooooooooooah. Are we, like in Minecraft?" I asked. I turned to look at the landscape around me and my jaw dropped. I saw the blocky trees slightly sway in the breeze and a square sun stare down at me. My lungs began to burn when I realized I had forgotten to breath. I choked as fresh air rushed into my lungs and pounded my chest to stop the spasms. When my hacking session was over, I turned to look at Tommy, only to be distracted by the glowing letters over his head.

"Gameknight999." I mumbled. The name sounded familiar...

"Hey- you were one of those annoying hackers back online a few years ago!" I said accusingly. Tommy reached up and rubbed his neck.

"Yeah, I'm not really proud of what I did, but I've changed. I don't do that anymore, I play the game for real." He said, turning toward me.

"Why?" I asked, curious. He opened his mouth to respond but shook his head.

"Why don't I- wait, where are we?" He said suddenly, looking around in a panic. I threw my hands in the air in frustration.

"In Minecraft! Duh!" I yelled. He shook his head and climbed onto a tree.

"This isn't where I normally spawn- I don't think I went back in time again." He mumbled to himself.

"What?" I asked, unable to catch what he said the first time. He carefully jumped down and began to punch the tree. I went to a nearby one and followed his lead.

"So, going back to what you asked before, yes, I have been here before." He laughed faintly. "A lot of times, actually. I'm kind of, well, I guess you could say famous here, for, reasons, and I have a lot of friends." He paused to move to the next tree and begin to punch it down as well. I finished my tree and moved to another one, but remained close so I could listen.

"Normally, when I spawn in like this, I spawn near a waterfall structure near my friends village, but this time..." he shook his head and moved toward his newly made crafting table. I tilted my head to the side and frowned.

"Village? Spawning like this? What do you mean by that? How many times have you been here, what's happened, and how did we get here? And why is this time any different?" I asked.

Tommy whacked his head against the crafting table. "So many questions. Ok, it all started when I tried this new server..." and he began his story. While he talked, and talked, and talked, I payed close attention to everything, not wanting to miss anything. He finished his explanation as the time the sun was setting and frowned.

"Rats, that took way to long." He said. I shook my head at his explanations. The mobs were all alive? Even though the story fit together, it was a little far fetched. He defeated Herobrine? I sighed. Maybe I didn't want to know everything. I walked over to a nearby mountain and began to dig, Tommy joining me a few moments later, humming that one irritating song that the one YouTuber used to do.

I'm a dwarf and I'm digging in my diggey, diggey hole.
Diggey diggey hole
Diggey diggey hole.

I shook the song out of my head and focused on mineing with my pickaxe. I closed the tunnel up behind us and descended deeper into the newly carved tunnel.

Here we go.


After a while, we came across a vein of coal which I took the pleasure to mine. Tommy pressed on, deeper into the our tunneling. I took half the coal and made torches so I could quickly return to mineing without worrying about monsters spawning and catching us off guard. If Tommy's stories were true, we didn't need any our way.

Eventually, my pathetic wooden pickle broke and I crafted a slightly better stone one. While caving, I came across a cave and called Tommy over.

"Should we explore?" I asked in uncertainty. Tommy peered into the dark room and placed a torch. Light illuminated the room and I sighed in relief when I found a small room with iron and coal littering the walls. I took a cautious step forward and began to mine some.

"You do that, I'm gonna go back to smelt some ore, ok?" Tommy asked. I turned around to respond but he was already gone. I turned to break another block and found a hole leading to a dark cave. My eyes went wide when I saw what was inside.

I just mined into a skeleton spawner.

An arrow pierced my shoulder and knocked me back, and I grunted in return. Pain flashed through me and I glared into the darkness. I had always hated skeletons when I used to play. Anger filled my being and my old memories of similar situations flooded my mind. I smiled and dodged an arrow before diving into the darkness.

"COME AT ME SKINNY BONES! LETS KILL YOU ONE LAST TIME!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, causing them to flinch. I ran in random directions, never stopping for one individual target. I saw the spawner in the middle begin to spin faster and I race toward it with my pickaxe raised high. With all my might, I swung down onto its spaced surace and stone flew off of my pickaxe. Tommy sprang into the dungeon and yelled "For Minecraft!" and began to swiftly hack at the monsters himself, and with his newly crafted iron sword, he was doing quite the impact. With one final blow, the spawned combusted and experience flew into my me, giving me renewed strength. I turned to find a skeleton taking aim at Tommy and I dove forward and tackled it to the floor. I ripped the bow out of it's hands and smacked it in the head with my pickaxe a couple times.

"User-that-is-not-a-user has returned." He hissed, before popping out of existence. I frowned and looked around the dungeon- empty. I took a deep breath and calmed by racing heart, before standing up and finding and angry Gameknight999.

"Are you wishing for a death wish!" He snapped angrily. I glared daggers at him.

"I just saved you from getting shot in the face, and thanks for your help, but I know how to handle a few skeletons." I said angrily. I flipped my pony tail out of my face and went over to the chests to grab their loot. Tommy stormed over to me.

"You are just like my younger sister! This isn't just a game anymore! If you die, you die for real, and I already have way to much guilt on my shoulders- I don't need one more." He walked out of the dungeon and back to the from of the tunnels. I stared after him.

He never said exactly how many times he's been here. What does he mean by there being deaths to his fault. I sighed and stared at the moss cover walls. What have I gotten myself into, and what if Tommy hiding? What was the skeleton talking about when he said "user-that-is-not-a-user?

I walked toward the front of the tunnels. I intend to find out.

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