Mini Army- ATTACK!!!

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I flew toward the ground with incredible speed and could hear DiamondCat screaming next to me, seeing as I had dragged her down with me. We rushed toward the floor, when suddenly-

Splash! We narrowly missed being crushed to death by gravity by landing in a small spread of water from a broken field of crops. DiamondCat starred with her mouth open before she started punching me as hard as she could. Was she like, afraid of heights?

"IREALLYHATEYOURIGHTNOW!" She screamed. I yelped as her fist slammed into me and she stopped, eyes wide.

"Wait- did you actually feel that?!" She said with a gasp. I nodded and swallowed, unsure of her reaction.

"I'm so sorry! The same thing happened to me and Ash, but I didn't know it happened to you too!" DiamondCat cried, hugging her ears in panic.

"No, no-it's fine! I'm fine." I said quickly. We don't have time for this! I sprinted toward the building and slid in front of the group, taking them by surprise, causing the red head to point an arrow at me.

"Easy Hunter! Friend- she's no enemy." Gameknight said, before his noticed DiamondCat. "Wait, who's your friend- oh no." He said, looking above her head. I followed his lead.

"What- I don't see anything." I said with a frown. Gameknight shook his head.

"That's the problem! The hackers have thoughs white beams over their heads because they're connected to the server, but we don't. But, we have user names, making us-"

"User-that-is-not-a-user." I said with a gasp. Gameknight paled.

"H-how did you know that?" He asked. I stared off into space as the memory surfaced.

"It was a skeleton from the dungeon." I said, before I changed the subject.

"Ok, look, this girl, DiamondCat, and her friend over there-" I waved my hand over my shoulder- "- are hackers- good hackers who are going to help." I added, seeing them wince.

Gameknight opened his mouth to protest, but the Hunter girl cut him off. "Great- the quicker we get our friends back, the quicker we can fight." She said with confidence. I smiled. This was the kind of attitude I had always wanted to grow up and have. I gave her a nod of agreement.

"Hunter- that's your name, right?- yeah, Hunter is on the right track, all we need is to get some more people and..." I went from there explaining the plan. All of us gave the plan something, and Gameknight kept insisting that we fix our problem with "a little tnt " which made absolutely no sense to me or DiamondCat, but the others seemed to like it, so we agreed. I turned to go to my planned position when something stopped me by rubbing against my leg. I looked down to find a pig rubbing against my pant leg. I carefully pushed it away and keep walking, only for it to follow.

"Uhh, Gameknight?" I asked. He turned and saw the pig and called over his other friend- someone called Herder, who always had animals of some sorts around him. The more I thought about it, the more sense their strange, unusual names made. Depending on what their living job was, depended on their name...

The young boy rubbed the pig's ears and looked up at me. "He's decided a strange loyalty to you- he's gonna follow you, so you might as well get used to him." He said, handing me a carrot, before sprinting off with his wolf pack to find his position.

I looked at the pig and sighed. "What should I name you then? Bob, Leroy, Damien..." He snatched the carrot from my hand and I shrugged. "Carrot it is then."

I pulled out my bow and sprinted to the east wall, my new friend Carrot at my side, remaining there the entire time.

This was about to get interesting.


Ash did everything they could to annoy the hackers and stay invisible, but there was a point where they had to use a real distraction (herself) so some of the could villagers get away.

The hacker in charge, named NightmareGamer68, was about to turn to see the small group of villagers that were going to be able to escape, if they didn't get noticed. Ash stopped and screamed at the top of their lungs, causing everyone to turn and see them, floating in the air.

"Who the hell are you?" NightmareGamer snapped. Ash began to panic as the attention was averted to her, so they did the next best thing- they began to run (technically fly) around in the air. Two of the hackers flew forward to finish them off, only to find them continuously staying out of reach.

"STOP FLYING YOU ANNOYING HACKING PEST!" IBKittenGun yelled. Ash continued to fly around out of fear of slowing and being caught. If they was killed, few knew they would die for real.

"It's just one hacker against us six. She'll be dead in a few minutes- first let's get the villagers to the morph chamber." DaFunnyGriefer said, turning to look at their small group of villagers, only to find an empty sea of grass.

"What?!" He screamed in outrage, looking for their missing prisoners.

"The girl hacker- it's a distraction!" NightmareGamer yelled in warning, but before they could do anything about it, they heard a battle cry of several, angry voices.

"FOR MINECRAFT!" Gameknight999, the user-that-is-not-a-user yelled, signalling the attack. The previously captured villagers jumped out from behind broken buildings and out of holes in the ground, each holding all types of items.

The people off all ages threw their objects toward the flying hackers- although most of the objects were blinking TNT and arrows, there were some shovels and pickaxes and axes in the mix too.

The objects smashed into the users and the TNT exploded, their digital user forms taking damage, seeing as creative mode wasn't enabled here. Slowly, as the arrow waves fell again and again,  a few of the six began to disappear, their valuable objects dropping to the floor being picked up by Ash.

"Good job Ash!" I yelled from my spot on the wall, my plain bow in my hand. I could see them beam at the compliment but I figured thy earned it. While the two hackers, IBKittenGun and <The Game Hacker> disappeared with a pop! the other users quickly recovered their shock and began to blast lightning toward the walls.

"Everyone- get down!" I heard Gameknight yell. I turned to dive down, but heard an angry yell behind me.

"Oh no you don't you son of a-" the word was cut off to the sound of Carrot squealing in alarm, which slipped to silence as a large, broad stick of lightning rushed through the air and struck the ground in front of me. I screamed and tried to stop but I was too late- I slammed into the fiery beam of energy and it dashed across my skin. I collapsed to the ground and felt my eyes slid closed, but not before I realized I wasn't on the wall at the village anymore, but the cold, unforgiving stone floor of an underground cave...

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