The Company

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Jenny glared at the back of the man's head as they drove in silence. They had been driving for quite a while and Jenny's leg was starting to hurt from sitting on it for so long. Tommy and that weird girl were laying to the side, still breathing thankfully, but Shawny kept muttering things under his breath- most of them not good things.

Jenny's eyes began to slide closed when the car pulled to a stop and she jolted awake. The door opened and some more people came forward, escorting Jenny and Shawn out of he car and into a building. They weren't doing it forcefully, which was a relief, but Jenny was still tense. She wanted Dad to find out what was happening and stop it. Why did he have to go to that glanced at 

A man stepped forward and Shawny stifled a gasp. There was no way! He had seen it on the news, he hadn't survived, and yet, there he stood. Shawny scooted back towards Jenny, who was starting squirm around.

"What you want?" Shawny asked while glaring at the man. The man returned a frown.

"Ahh yes; I apologize for the way of getting you here, but trust me; we weren't the only ones trying to get you. You were watching your friend on the computer, yes? Perhaps you noticed the hackers flying about? Two of them work for me, only one of the recently returning to avoid sudden death the other still helping your friends. The others are in a rival group called the Entities, whom seek to destroy and do what ever it takes to gain control of a certain object." The man explained in a fairly gentle tone.

"How can we know to trust you?" Jenny asked suspiciously, not entirely convinced that he was telling the truth. The man smirked, although there wasn't anything creepy about it.

"You don't know I'm telling the truth; there is nothing I could do it o convince you other than trusting me with you well being while you father is occupied and you mother is with him. But this decision is up to you." The man said, before turning and talking away. Jenny looked at Shawny.

"Who is that guy?" She asked.

"... Do you remember how your Dad sold the digitizer blueprints to a certain company?" Shawny asked her. Jenny nodded as Shawny glanced at Tommy and Alex's unconscious forms.

"This is the company, but the person leading it is supposed to be dead." He said, still staring the two bodies.

"Who is leading them?" Jenny asked, still not getting it. Shawny turned and looked at her with sad eyes.

"Alex's father."


Well, that's it for this chapter, hope you guys enjoyed-
JUST KIDDING... I'm not that mean.

Diamond saw three figures approaching quickly from the East. A turning quickly, she avoided the claws of zombie Alex you seemed set in trying to claw her- no wait that was Diamonds job; she was the cat hybrid.

Diamond floated into the air and sighed in relief when she realized it was Hunter, Gameknight, and two smaller figures.

"Gameknight; Hunter, over here!" Diamond called. They rode over slowed to a stop a few feet from them. Zombie Alex turned and snarled at them. A potion suddenly flew through the air and Alex was coated with grey swirls, then a golden apple flew toward her and it disappeared. A cracking sound filled the air as the cure began to take effect.

"So what happened at the camp?" Diamond asked, turning to look at Hunter and Gameknight while hovering in the air.

The duo shifted uncomfortably; they had hoped Ash had been with Diamond. "Umm well... we were attacked and Ash had us run and split up so we could get away and Ash stayed to distract whoever was attacking and... we haven't seen Ash since." Gameknight said, shifting on his feet. Diamond's huge smile minimized as she understood the news. Neither Hunter nor Gameknight could meet Diamonds eyes.

"Oh... Well, hopefully she got away but we should probably find your friends." Diamond said, biting her lip. Gameknight could tell she was holding something back, but he didn't press for details.

Gameknight opened his mouth to respond when an explosion shook the ground. The horses bucked and tried to pull away and run as a growl escaped from behind. Hunter drew an arrow and aimed.

Gameknight stepped in front of Topper and Filler and drew a Diamond sword, ready for anything. An arrow flew forward and bounced off his shoulder, pushing him back a step. Glaring, Gameknight drew his other sword, his iron one, and faced the on coming hord. Looking at his numbers and the the amount of monsters, he knew they were going to have to retreat.

"Hunter, get ready to play defense." Gameknight said, climbing onto a horse, Hunter doing the same on the other. He turned to Diamond. "Meet as at the explosion's source." Diamond nodded before pulling Alex into the forest. Gameknight rode as fast as he could, Hunter and Topper's mount in from of him. Arrows stuck out of the back of his blade and the back of his armor so that he looked like a procupine. Another explosion shook the ground as they moved toward it.

Gameknight hadn't noticed that they were heading up hill until Topper's horse tried to shift to a stop. Gameknight stopped and jumped off the horse, rushing toward Hunter and Topper who were slipping over the edge. Hunter lunged for Topper and Gameknight lunged for Hunter.

Hunter's hand grabbed Topper's robe and Gameknight grabbed Hunter's free arm, the horse falling and disappearing into the night mist below. Gameknight tried to pull them back but started to slip over the edge himself. He suddenly remembered a similar scene playing out what felt like forever ago, when Crafter had gotten sick...

A small pair of hands grabbed Gameknight's leg and began to pull them back, giving him just enough ground to pull the others up. Hunter was pale and Topper was frozen in fear, but he wasn't looking at the edge.

Turning, Gameknight found at least a hundred monsters surrounding them- skeletons with their bows, zombies with their glistening claws. Gameknight crept back until his heel found air. Looking around, he found no escape route; they were truly trapped.

Gameknight began to drawn his sword when an arrow came flying from the crowd, bouncing of his chestplate; his armor took the damage, but he lost balance stepping backwards for balance- only when his foot came down, there was no blocks to catch him- only open air.

"NO!" Hunter screamed, jumping forward to catch his out stretched hand, only to pulled forward by the momentum of Gameknight falling back. Topper yelled out as an arrow pierced his shoulder, but that didn't stop him from diving towards his sister and knocking her down as a zombie swiped at her. They tumbled back bumped into the horse, who was desperately looking for an escape route. Filler reached up and grabbed the saddle and called herself and Topper up, looking for a way out.

"FOR GAMEKNIGHT AND HUNTER!" Filler screamed, startling even the monsters to the point where they froze momentarily at the ferocity in the young girl's voice. Filler, not missing a beat, snapped the rings of the ropes and the charged through the crowd and down the hill, leaving the monsters in the dust.

Filler heard a sob behind her and turned to find Topper holding his shoulder and trying to hold back tears, although she knew it wasn't the injury that had made him cry. Holding back her own tears, she patted his shoulder and drove the horse hard, trying to go to the location of the TNT, where explosions lit up the sky.

A/N: I made another GK fan fiction (yes another one) so check it out if you want, I will be posting it shortly.

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