Why Am I On Night Watch?!

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I walked back to camp taking deep breaths. I really didn't want to tell anyone, but if I didn't, they wouldn't know to watch out...

I carefully walking into the clearing.

"Oh, hey Night! Since your a zombie, do you mind doing the night watch since you don't have to sleep?" Asked Gameknight.

"Um." Really? This is not helping like, at all.

"Its just what we were all thinking that because we are going to be tired tomorrow, someone should keep watch." He suggested. Hunger surged forward and I raised a claw and swung it down on his shoulder.

I pulled back and my hand landed softly on his shoulder. I winced, "Its fine-great!" I say quickly. Gameknight looks at me funny.

"Ok- wait have you gotton greener?" He asked.

"No!" By now I had forgotten that they can't understand me. I swiftly shook my head.

Gameknight continued to look at me funny. I turned and continued my way back to camp, fear turning in my stomach. A large growl escaped my stomach.

Hunter snickered and handed me a price of steak. I took it gladly and tried to eat it, but... I couldn't. I slipped it into my inventory before anyone could notice- when I looked up again the only one watching was Herder. He stared at me with his eyes narrowed. I averted my gaze and glanced at Digger and the others who were setting up camp. Herder, still recovering from being a zombie, sat nearby with a wolf at his side, a lone survivor from the village. That familiar feeling crept into me again and I stepped forward with my face twisting into an angry snarl.

Kill. Kill. Kill.

Exhaustion swept through me and hunger took charge the world slowly mixing into different colors. A smelly oder swept forward and I charged, my hair whipping wildly around me. Herder's wolf growled and I saw Herder slowly backing away. I lunged with my claws streaking in front of me, Herder screamed and something made painful contact with my head, causing me to slump to the side. I smashed into the grass and the hunger grew, taking over completely. I shot up and raced forward, snarling as I went.

Kill. Kill. Kill.

I ran toward Gameknight, arrows bouncing off my armor. He looked at me in fear and pulled out his sword, gripping it tightly. I growled again and raised my claws and he swung-

-and I lost the race. The flat of the blade made contact with my armored head and I crumpled, groaning as I went. I slipped to the ground and I found contact with Herder's eyes.

"Help.... me." I moaned and his eyes going wide with shock being the last thing I saw.


I opened my hands yes to see swirling mist around me. At first the calm, crisp air was soothing and I had not a worry in the world, but then everything can rushing back. I tried to kill them- I almost did!

I stared into space and could sense the thought of me as a killer haunt me. The white mist parted and a landscape formed around me. I found Gameknight staring in shock at the floor.

I turned my head and saw a zombie laying on the floor and realized it was me. Herder was staring at it in shock.

"I- I understood her!" He whispered. Everyone turned to look at him; except Hunter- she still had her bow trained on me.

"Herder... What did she say?" Hunter asked for Gameknight who still stared in surprise at the zombie on the floor.

I keep forgetting that the monster is me. I tried to kill him and only watched! What kind of person am I?!

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