Distracting the Unknown Enemy

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Ash watched as Diamond vanished into the forest, dread eating it's way inside.

We had one job to do! Well, actually two, but that's no excuse! Ash thought angrily. Ash turned around and walked back into camp.

"Gameknight, what do we do?"

"How did this happen?"

"What about the other villagers? How do we get to them and Crafter?"

Ash looked up to find the group crowded together and trying to get answers no one had the answer's to. Gameknight looked more and more pressured and guilty with each question. Ash felt rather bad for him.

"Diamond is looking for Alex as we speak, but we will need to do something in the mean time." Ash said, turning to look at Gameknight. He quickly stood up and turned to look at his friends.

"I know of a way to heal Alex, but it's going to take some important and rare materials that we don't have access to right now. We also need to find the village before they all become Lost, and this all means we're going to have to split up." He said, uncertainty filling his expression. Ash heard a snap from a while off and ignored it.

"Hunter- you and Herder will go to the-" He started, but was instinctively cut off.

A boom! rattled through the air and fire rushed into the camp. A stream of it roared right at Gameknight, turning his figure to a flaming furno. Hunter yelled out and tackled him out of the flames, both of them rolling out of sight.

Ash whipped around and jumped into the air, flicking on her night vision, only to see a ball of light come barreling at her. The flames caught Ash straight in the face and was launched into the dirt.

Herder grabbed Stitcher's arm and pulled her behind a tree, looking for Hunter and Gameknight. They saw two figures moving toward them and Stitcher aimed an arrow while Herder's wolf growled quietly. Hunter's smoldering face popped out of the shadows.

"Stitcher- find the village, get Crafter and the others, and take Herder with you. Meet us at Gameknight's spawn." Hunter said quietly, pulling her own bow out. Stitcher nodded and Herder looked at Gameknight in concern.

"Are you OK?" He whispered. Gameknight nodded and winced, looking behind them at the burning camp. Herder nodded once and he and Stitcher disappeared into the night. Hunter turned to Gameknight.

"Now what?" She asked, watching her sister go sadly. "I hate to put so much responsibility on her at such a young age..."

"She can handle it. She's a lot like you, Hunter. Now, what happened to Ash?" No sooner were the words out of his mouth when lava rushed into the camp, fire burning the tree's to crisps.

"There!" Hunter said, shaking his arm and pointing to a figure a few feet away from the tent, which the lava was steadily creeping closer to. Gameknight ran forward and pulled Ash out of the lane of hot liquid, Hunter sprinting to his side.

Ash spit out red liquid and was up in an instant. Ash didn't look at Gameknight or Hunter.

"I want you to listen carefully, please. When I say go, you are going to run to the village and get the supplies in the village to help Alex. I'm going to buy you some time, but time only. Don't stop for anything, just run. I will tell Diamond to meet at your spawn. Go!"

And with that Ash ran into the night, her sword appearing at her side. Gameknight tried to follow but Hunter pulled him the other way. He glared at her. "We can't just let Ash die!"

Hunter stared at him grimly. "Every war has sacrifices Gameknight, Ash knows them well. Just trust Ash and run." And with that, she ran toward the broken village on the horizon.


Ash sent her thoughts to Diamond as she flew into the air. Not safe at base, got to these coordinates- and she listed the coordinates for Gameknight's original spawn, before the madness. Ash also set a message to the others, but you don't know who they are (lol).

Ash watched the figure sitting in the tree, who was watching Gameknight and Hunter run towards the destroyed village.

"You know they will never make it, right? Once I finish you, I will be hot on their trial." He said. Ash smiled.

"I guess we'll have to see about that." Ash said grimly, raising the sword and charging.

The figure easily deflected the blow, now setting into a lazy fighting position, as though this battle would be a simple appetizer.

Ash faked a lunge to the right and swung the sword at the figures feet. He man jumped over the blade and swung down, but Ash had already teleported away. Fire grew higher, the once cool night air now hotter than a summer day in the desert. Without turning around, the man dodged a poison potion and teleported behind Ash, swinging quickly. Ash rolled to the side quicker than he could blink, but he anticipated the move and put his foot in the way. Ash collided with his foot and bounced back a few inches, looking up at the man in anger.

"You've gotten better, I must say, but not good enough." He said with a smile, sending shivers down Ash's spine.

"Burn in the Nether." Ash snapped back, spitting in his face. He screamed in outrage and made a huge mistake out of anger- he kicked Ash off the tree.

Ash teleported behind him and smashed the blade into his skin, his avatar flashing red. She teleported to the other side and smashed at his feet, then at his torso, and tried to strike his head but was blasted with the force of an atom bomb backwards. Ash smashed into the tree and heard a dangerous amount of cracking from behind. Ash could sense the life force she had left was at a single heart. Tops. The man flew closer, slowly, like all that mattered was the one target, and that he had all the time in the world to get there. Ash tried to raise their sword, but it slipped from their finger tips and clattered from her grip, falling down the mountain. Ash glared at the approaching figure but was forced to watch it get closer and closer.

OK, sequence is ready to launch. Is target clear? A voice sounded in Ash's head.

Yes, hurry! I DON'T HAVE ALL DAY!

Ash looked at the man, fear and dread rushing through them. Ash's skin began to tingle with a hot and cold feeling as the figure raised their sword.

"Also, tell them the Entities are back with more on the way." He said with a crooked grin, before swinging with all his power and a bright light filling the air.

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