Im a Going Cray Cray

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I stared into the dark for a long time, not wanting to more ever again. The hackers were sick- they knew the villagers were alive, how could they do that? Pain radiated through my ankle and tear kept coming in waves of kinds.

I'm going insane.

Then I started to hear voices.

"When do we launch the attack?"

"Sunset tomorrow."

"The girl?"

"We'll use her as bait."

"How do we get the digitizer?"

"We wait."

*person is heard walking away*

Random buzz noise.

I could feel my body begin to shut down and my eyelids grew heavy. I was about to giv e in when I thought about Mom. She already lost Dad- if she never found out what happened to me-

My arm moved forward. Then the other.

Me and Tommy may not be friends, but I will not let him hold the responsibility of me.

I moved forward some more.

And more.

And more.

I kept doing, new determination coursing through me. The hackers will strike again- I have to tell him what I know!

I moved slowly. But I kept moving. Sweat trickled down my face and my rugged breaths sounded like I was running a marathon. I saw light ahead, I'm almost there! Then my foot splintered in pain and I yelped. I tried to move my foot but it was wedged in something. I grabbed the rocks around me and pulled.

I bit down on my younger to keep from screaming and I felt a coppery taste fill my mouth. I pulled harder and started to whimper, tears spilling into my eyes, when finally-

I flew out of the hole and landed on grass- I was back to the surface! I tried to smile and sat up, but then everything that had been waiting inside burst through.

Red flashed across my vision and stomach pain went into a danger zone. Lava seemed to erupt in my ankle and body pains erupted everywhere I gasped and coughed and blood splattered on the green grass. My head smacked against the floor and I found Carrot right in front of me.

"Help." I managed weakly before my eyes slide closed.


Gameknight stood on the village walls with blocks of cobble in his hands. Most of the villagers were staying in Gameknight's castle while they fixed the village, but all villagers of all ages were helping to rebuild.

Everyone was extremely happy the hackers had left, but Gameknight knew they would be back. This fact didn't worry his as much as another.

"What happened to Alex." Gameknight mumbled, staring across the horizon. The village was almost completely fixed, she had been missing for a long time.

Two weeks today. In Minecraft, that is. Either way, that's still a long time.

"Any sign of her?" Shawn asked in the chat.

"No." Gameknight said fearfully. "What are we gonna tell her Mom? She'll be calling the authorities in a few hours."

"That's the only good news." Gameknight responded in the chat. "She has a club that goes after school for a few hours, so..."

Gameknight trailed off when he heard something. Leaning over the wall, Gameknight saw a baby pig, squealing its head off. Herder rushed to get it. He gave the pig a carrot, which it knocked aside, trying to get in Herder's face, squealing none stop.

"G- Gameknight! Come quick!" Herder yelled, jumping to his feet. Gameknight rushed down the wall.

"What?" He asked.

"The pig! It- It's NightNinja's!" He exclaimed worryingly.

"Why's that so bad?" Gameknight asked, but he was getting anxious.

"The pig is loyal to her, he would only leave if-" Herder was cut of by the squeal of the baby pig. It turned and sprinted across the plains.

Herder grabbed Gameknight's arm. "Come on!" He said, pulling him along.

They followed the pig to a nearby mountain surrounded by trees. Cutting through the woods, they were forced to stop to find something laying in the grass.

"Oh my..." Gameknight said. In front of him was a crumpled form of NightNinja's, flashing red every now and then.

"Herder- get the others- bring Crafter, now." Gameknight said. Herder nodded and disappeared across the plain.

"What happened?" Gameknight mumbled. Alex had a mouth full of saliva and blood next to her and her foot was twisted at a sickening angle. She had scraps on her arms that looked liked zombie scratches and she was covered in stone dust. She was so pale- she looked as though she hadn't seen sunlight in two weeks. Gameknight looked closer and saw little swirls coming off her skin in nasty grey/ green color.

The hunger debuff.

"Oh dear God!" Gameknight yelled, throwing her over his shoulder and sprinting to meet the approaching Calvary. Crafter pulled up next to him.

"What happened?!" He exclaimed, looking at Alex. Gameknight put her on the floor and turned to Crafter.

"Health potion?" He asked question quickly. Crafter nodded.

"My aunt Silvia always said-"

"Not now Crafter."

"Oh- sorry!"

Gameknight took the potion and threw it at Alex, the health in a bottle splatters across her, red flourishing the air. Her eyes fluttered open.

She saw Gameknight and them and she closed her eyes, leaning her head back, taking breaths. The light hurt.

"Alex- are you ok?" She squeezed her eyes shut and nodded.

"Ok good- now I know you willing to lie to my face." Says Gameknight.

Carrot the pig nudged NightNinja's foot and she made a hissing sound. Gameknight stepped closer.

"Night- what happened?" He said cautiously.

Alex pressed her hands against her ears and shook her head viciously.

"No,no,no,no,no,no,no!" She yelled, tears beginning to slip down her face.

"Tommy- what their doing-" she sobbed, shaking her head harder.

Gameknight's eyes went wide. He had never seen her act like this- not even when her Dad died, and that was horrid.

"Lets get her back to the village." Gameknight said in uncertainty.

Crafter helped Alex up and on to the horse. Gameknight kept looking at Alex, but her face revealed nothing now. She simply nodded when he asked her something.

They got her back to the village and took her to one of the beds, where she immediately went to sleep.

"Gameknight- what happened to her?" Hunter asked, peeking through the window.

Gameknight shook his head. "I don't know."

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