☆ 7 ☆

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Tom got to his room, but as he was closing his door he heard his "dad" wake up from his drinking induced sleep.
Tom cursed under his breath and kept his hand on the door knob. Hoping to god "steve" (ik its what he calls his hair pls im not good at coming up with names) doesnt realize hes home.

Sadly Toms hopes did not come true.
"ToM!!" Yelled steve, the dead beat step dad.
Tom did not answer, untill he felt and heard a loud harsh knock on his door.
"What do you want, dirt bag" Tom said, keeping his hand on the door knob incase the asshole tries to let himself in.
"Hey, dont fucking talk to me like that." He said while trying to open the door.
"You little bitch, open the door!" He banged on the door.
"Fuck off old man" Tom said with a light bitter chuckle.
The man groaned and tried to open the door again.
"Fine. Stay in there. Dont let me see your face, or else." He said sternly before walking away towards the kitchen.
Tom sighed and let of the knob. He rubbed his face and mozied to his bed.
Laying down was the best part of his day, of course, besides sleeping.
He set his bag down softly and kicked his shoes off.
Finally, back in bed after a long day.
Tom thought the day over as he layed down. God, today was a day. He stared up at the ceiling.
That man.
Tom kept thinking, many questions popping into his head.
Why didnt he listen to red flags.
What did he do to deserve it.
Will it happen again.
Tom sighed and closed his eyes.
Just sleep, everything will be okay..
It will be okay..

Short chapter! I know. Its been a hot second. This chapter has been waiting to be continued and i kept getting distracted with things or not feeling motivated.
But, good news, this chapter will be easy to work with. I already have a plan for the next.
I saw this thing is at like, 800 views?? Hot damn thats a lot. Idk why people are reading this but im glad they are.
Also, if you guys spot any mistakes like, grammar, or a misspelled word, comment on it. I dont proof read this thing so i wont catch my own mistakes.
Loool stay tuned

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