☆ 13 ☆

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Tom couldnt sleep. He had so much to think about. So much was happening.
And Tord want to know, everything.
Maybe Tom should just tell him. Type it out and send it. What will it do?
Just bring them closer. He shouldnt be afraid to let some one in.
He never thought he had trust issues.
He softly sighed.
Tord was being kind, incredibly kind.
He can trust him.
He will trust him.
Tom glanced up to see if Tord was asleep.
He looked asleep.
He'll do it now. Get it over with.
Rip the bandaid off quickly.

He typed the message.
"Im doing this while youre asleep because its easier. I know there were questions left unanswered. Only two really, well, not even two. Just the one."
Tom sighed and sent that piece. Gathering the courage to continue.
"This guy teacher, he said he had work for me, to keep my grade up. He said it was easier than the class work. My lazy ass accepted the offer, it wasnt class work."
He sent it the next part. He needs to just say it.
"He did something, stuff. It wasnt something i wanted. It hurt"
He sent it.
"I ditched 5th period"
"I wasnt going to go to 6th but i did for some reason"
"It hurt a lot"
"It was so scary"
"It was terrifing"
"It was my first time"
Tom felt his cheeks get wet. His hands were shaking, he sniffled. He turned his phone off and pulled away from Tord. He turn to face his back to Tord, he scooted towards the wall. He hugged himself and closed his eyes.
Everything replayed, every detail.
Now someone knows. What if Tord doesnt believe him, what if he thinks Toms an attention whore. What if Tord stops being his friend.
Tom covered his face to muffled the sounds of broken tears.
He kept quiet, he will not let Tord hear him.
What an embarrassment.
He felt Tord move.
He heard a phone turn on.
Oh no, oh god.
Tord read the messages.
Tord sat up.
Tom turned onto his stomach. He tried so hard not to cry.

Tord was shocked. He looked at Tom.
Tom was crying.
This was real.
Tord wasnt sure what to do or say.
He looked back at his phone.
He was going to make this right.
He will find out who this teacher was.
He turned his phone off and layed back down. He faced Tom.
He put a hand on Toms shoulder.
"Tom, can you look at me?"
Tom stayed there, then turned his head towards Tord.
"Come closer."
Tom did as he was told.
Tord hugged him.
"Lets put some clothes on"
He pulled away and got out of bed. Tom sat up and watched.
Tord slipped some pants on, then a red hoodie.
"W-where..where are we going?" Tom asked.
"It a surprise."
Tom nodded and got up, wiping his eyes. He slipped his pants on, then his shoes.

After a good hour of walking, they got to a small park. Tord walked Tom over to a bench next to a tree.
Tom sat and Tord sat next to him.
It was pretty. The moonlight reflected into a pond a few feet infront of him. There were quiet croaks of small frogs. The air smelt clean and cold. The tree above swooshed softly in the breeze.
Tom looked at Tord.
"I want to tell you, not to think of that as something important. As something as important as your first time."
Tom looked away.
"What happened was disgusting. And i think that your first time is with someone you love."
Tom started to well up.
"I know its a horrible topic, but dont let it control you. Your first time has yet to come. You are still pure."
Tom covered his face.
Tord came closer and moved his hands. Making eye contact.
"You are worth so much. I know you think low of yourself, and i know this event will make it worse. You deserve so much better than what you have been given. From what ive seen, you are an amazing person. I am greatful to have met you."
Tom cried more, his tears staining his cheeks.
Tord wiped under Toms eyes and held his cheeks.
"Things will become better. I promise you they will."
Tom sniffled. Tord leaned in and kissed Tom on the forehead. Then wiped his cheeks again.
"T-thank you" Tom hugged Tord. He hugged him tightly.
Tord hugged back.

They sat there talking. Only 30 minutes after, the sun started coming up.
The clear veiw they had was perfect.
Tom felt a warm feeling grow inside his stomach. He leaned on Tord.

They watched the sunrise.

Toms heart fluttered every time he thought of Tord. They walked back to Tords place and made some breakfast. Tom felt bubbly. He giggled and laughed. Tord loved this new shining side of Tom. He seemed so bright and warm.

Tom stayed close to Tord till 4th period.
He was called up to the office around the end of the period.
He hoped he wouldnt miss lunch.
As he got into the office, he told the desk lady he was called. She nodded as said Mr. Helton, a math teacher, needed to see him. Tom nodded and asked where he was, she gave Tom his  room number and Tom started heading over there. The bell rang for lunch as he got to the teachers room.
Tom stood in the door way.
It was him. This was his room. That was his name.
Mr. Helton looked at him and smiled.
Tom gulped softly.
"Come on over, Thomas, i need to talk to you."
Tom stayed where he was and Mr. Helton chuckled.
"Im not going to do anything, come over here."
Tom thought about it, he glanced around the room and got a plan together in his head.
He stepped into the room.
Mr. Helton patted a desk and told him to sit.
Tom sat.
Mr. Helton started talking. He talked about lots of things that Tom didnt care about.
The man frowned.
"Dont be so upset, you loved it."
Tom stood up.
Mr. Helton frowned for real.
"Sit down."
"Fuck. You."
The teacher grabbed Toms collar.
"You want me to huh, you want it again dont you."
Tom tried pulling away and Helton pushed him onto the ground. This isnt fair.
He pushed Tom flat on the ground and smirked.
"This time i get to see your pretty face."
He held him down.
"Why dont you give me a pretty smile."
Tom did nothing of the sort.
"Ill be softer if you give me a smile."
Tom took a deep breath.
"N-no, get off of me"
The teachers smirk went wider.
"Rough it is."
Then it started.
Pants off. Shirt up. Tied hands.
No matter how he struggled, the teacher had the upper hand.
It was happening again.
It was happening again.
Scream, yell, do something.
Just pants, hot breath.
He kissed Toms neck, he bit, and sucked.
He kissed Tom.
It happened.
Tom couldnt help himself.
His body couldnt help itself.
The teacher laughed.
How humiliating.
Disgusting. Disgusting. Disgusting.
The teacher got up.
Tom fixed his clothes.
Tom left the room.
Tom stopped in the hall way.
He felt his neck.
He teared up.
How did it happen again. How did he let it happen.
He heard foot steps come over to him.
It was Tord.
Tom stared at the ground, blinking tears away.
Tord frowned.
"It was him. What happened. Did he hurt you."
Tom closed his eyes and sniffled, he covered his face.
"What room, what room is this guy in."
Tom shook his head.
Tord breathed out.
Tom hiccuped softly.
"Can you wait, for just a moment. Sit down againsnt the wall. Ill be right back"
Tom nodded and wiped his eyes, he sat down. Tord walked to the doors and looked through each one till he saw one occupied room.
Mr. Helton.
Tord was furious. But he had to wait and make a plan. He walked back to Tom.
"Lets go to my house, lets ditch the rest of the day."
Tom stood up and nodded. Tord grabbed his hand and started walking.
Time to start stalking.

Henloooo, heres an update. Poor tommy. At least i wasnt detail specific. Anyways, ill try to continue tomorrow. Lots is happening.

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