Chapter 2

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Nico POV
(Y/N) and I were running, but I heard her scream and I looked behind me and she was on the ground the hellhounds digging their claws and teeth into her chest and stomach. A wave of anger hits me and I kill all the monsters without getting even a scratch.
(Y/N) had passed out. I need to get her to the infirmary.
I pick her up, she's really light, kind of too light. I carry her into the camp. I receive a lot of weird looks, but I don't care. I reached the infirmary. "WILL" I called. (Y/N)'s breathing was uneven and labored. Her face drained of all color.
Will walked up. "What in Hades happened?!" He practically yelled at me.
"Hellhounds." I replied.
"C'mon" He said and walked into the back of the infirmary.
I put her down and then Will made me leave. He seemed stressed about something, but I don't know what. He seemed good until he saw (Y/N). Once I got out I was about to go back to my cabin, but Jason saw me. 'I guess he's back from New Rome' I thought. "NICO!!!!" He ran up to me and hugged me. I stiffened.
"Stop." I said.
"Sorry, just excited to see you. So some said there's a new camper. Do you know who it is??" He asked. "Yeah, its a girl, her name's (Y/N). She's in the infirmary right now because some Hellhounds got to her." I answer.
"Oh well I hope she'll be ok. Wanna hang in my cabin? I was thinking of inviting Percy and Leo over too and we can play Truth or Dare." He offered.
"Sorry, but not now. I'm going to sleep. Maybe tomorrow." I said.
He just said ok and walked away.
I reached my cabin and collapsed on my bed. I immediately fell asleep.

~couple hours later~

I wake up to someone knocking rapidly on my door. "Who is it?" I ask. "It's uhh... Will, (Y/N) woke up and well she's asking for you." He replies. He seems shaken up. "Something wrong Will?" I ask.
"Uhh....well her wounds were just so bad. They were hard to heal, I had to have 3 other of my siblings help me." "Oh" I respond. I walk to the infirmary with him.
She's laying there obviously struggling to sit up.
Will runs over and makes her stay down.
She looks over and sees me. "N-Nico?"

(Hey sorry it's so short. I'm out in the desert but I wanted to get this out. Anyways, to my reader(s) who do you want the godly parent to be Hades or Poseidon? I hope you enjoy reading this!)

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