Chapter 9

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Nico POV
I go into the forest and don't see (Y/N) so I walk out and go around camp in search of her. I go into our cabin "(Y/N)!" I yell. No response. I leave and go to every other spot I would think to find her in. I still can't find her.


Will POV
I had a long early morning shift in the infirmary that was finally over. I walk out and go to the Hades cabin to talk to (Y/N). I knock on the door and when I don't hear anything I assume that she's not there. I walk around aimlessly to different spots around camp hoping to find that (H/C) haired (E/C) eyed girl. But after 3 hours of searching I still have no luck. I then walk to the forest. Maybe she came in here... I think. Then I see Nico. I try to hide but..."SOLACE!" He yells. "WHAT DID YOU DO WITH MY SISTER?!" "Nothing! I'm looking for her. Same as you." I reply calmly. "Why? Do you want to hurt her? Like you hurt me?" He says, something unnatural slipping into his tone. "I'm sorry Nico. I didn't mean to hurt you. And I have no intention of hurting  (Y/N). I'm a doctor. I don't hurt people." I say. Nico just rolls his eyes. "You hurt me. You made me feel even more unwanted than ever. I thought we loved eachother. I thought that you and I were perfect. I thought...I thought you were mine." He says tears slipping out of his eyes. "Nico. I know,and I did love you, but I'm bi. And I didn't want to keep leading you on. I'm so so sorry." I say walking closer to him. Then we both hear a scream. A girl's scream. (Y/N)'s scream. We both take off running towards it. We get there, monsters surrounding her, she's bloody. Head wound and broken leg. I conclude. Nico runs in killing monsters so quickly it's hard to see. He gets to (Y/N), picks her up, and shadow travels away. Leaving me alone. I sadly walk back to my cabin worried out of my mind about (Y/N). Then I hear: "Will, please help."

Hahaha. I'm enjoying leaving cliffhangers. I think this will be something I do a lot. Anyways, thanks for reading.

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