Chapter 21

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Warning for this chapter: it will contain suicidal thoughts and thoughts of self harm. Don't read if it  makes you uncomfortable or if it makes you feel that way. If you do have those types of thoughts just know that you are loved and people care about you and never hurt yourself because even though you may not realize it so many people would be devastated if you did.


(Y/N)'s POV:

I'm holding onto Will and Leo. I can feel them. I open my eyes and oh my gods!! It worked!!! There we were in Camp Halfblood! I did it! I collapse immediately. The malnutrition and exhaustion finally getting to me. I try my best to hold onto consciousness, but ultimately fail and succumb to the darkness.

Wills POV:

(Y/N) was an idiot. She shadow travelled 3 people and didn't even know if it would work! She's so dumb! But to be fair we had no choice. She passes out and I rush her to the infirmary. I get my siblings to help me work on everything she needs which is so much. Then of course when I think things can't possibly get any worse, Nico comes in.

"What the hell is wrong with my sister?!" Nico yells at me. I can't believe he's yelling at me, the one who's in the middle of helping his sister! Gods he's so rude and ungrateful! 

"She was kidnapped and shadow traveled. She's overly exhausted, malnourished, and has a lot of injuries. She needs a lot of help and we would all work better if you and your attitude left." He gets pissed off and storms out. I smile to myself because I finally got to win against him although I knew it will probably cost me the love of my life. 

—-2 months later—-

(Y/N)'s POV:

It's been 2 months. I'm finally fully recovered and on a path to regain all my weight. Nico has gotten way more protective which is so dumb! I'm absolutely fine! The worst part is he never lets me near Will. I've been having such bad nightmares lately. I never know what's real or fake. I can't take it anymore. I run into the bathroom that Nico and I share. I'm going to do it. I'm going to end it. I start crying. Of course I do. How typical of me. I'm so weak. There's a knock on the door.

"(Y/N)! It's Will. Come out. Nico and I want to talk to you. Just unlock the door. Please." His voice sounds so broken. I haven't seen him since I first woke up back at camp. I unlock the door knowing it's worth it to at least see him before I end the pain. I open the door. I look like a walking disaster. My hair is knotted and frizzy and my eyes are red and puffy. Gods he shouldn't see me like this.

"I know how hard things have been lately. I've been a horrible brother. I don't control who you date or what you do. I may not like some of your choices, but you're an independent person and I have to respect that. Also. I know how happy that Will makes you. I've decided that you two can date because I know it's whats best for you and I love you. But if Solace EVER hurts you, I will hurt him." Nico says and I immediately feel 10x happier. I run into Wills waiting arms and kiss him. Oh how I've missed his lips. He smells so good. I can't imagine how awful I must smell. 

"Are you happy love?"

"I couldn't be happier" 

"Ok idiots. Get out before I change my mind" Nico interrupts our moment, but it's ok. Because nothing on earth could ever ruin how happy I feel at this moment. Absolutely nothing.


Ok. 600 words in this chapter and 2 chapters in 1 night! Yeah! So you and Will are together! What could possibly go wrong? What could happen? I need ideas so please comment some! I do feel more interested in this book right now and more motivation to actually update it, but I've said that before and then I don't update! Thank you to anyone who still actually reads this! And holy crap there are so many views on this!! I didn't expect that at all!! Anyways I hope everyone's enjoying the story and has some ideas on what they'd like to read next!

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2020 ⏰

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