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So prologue guys!

Hope you like it!

Probably won't update this till I get at least ten or twenty reads though.

Thank you to anyone who's reading though! Love you all xx



“Uhm, my name's Jolene Adams.” I said after my new first period teacher asked me to introduce myself.  “What’s your middle name?” Mrs. Jacobs asked, smiling at me.

 “Alaska.” I responded ,slowly sitting back down in my chair. Snickering and whispers were heard throughout the entire room. I could feel my face turning red, I hated being talked about. After my parents car crash back in Washington. The next week, when it was confirmed they were dead, I went back to school, and that was all that was happening.

 Talk. Talk about me, about my parents crash, about poor little Jolene Adams, about how in a few months once  Freshman year  was over, I’d be moving to Australia to live with James, my 19 year old brother. “Nice name.” a girl behind me said. I turned around and smiled at her, but my face fell into a frown when she had a smirk. “Actually, it’s not. Never mind hun.” She told me, popping her gum in my face.

 “Carly, quit. Jolene, we aren’t doing anything first period, so I’ve called for someone to come and show you around the school. She should be here soon.” Just as she said that, the door opened and in stepped a tall boy with curly, light brown hair. “Ashton? What are you doing here? I thought they were having Jessica show her around.”

 “Jessica’s sick Mrs. Jacobs. Mr .Harin sent me instead. So who am I showing around?” He asked, scanning the room. His eyes landed on me, and his eyebrow cocked up.

 “Jolene, this is Ashton Irwin. He’ll be showing you around for the next two periods. Have fun guys.” She said, patting me on the back when I walked up to the front of the room. We both walked into the hallway, and immediately, I felt relieved.

 “So your names Jolene? That’s cool, we don’t have many Jolene’s here at Rockland High.” He told me as we began our decent down the hall.

 “Well, we didn’t have many Ashton’s at my old school. Pretty unusual, but it’s cool too.” I said smiling at him.

 “Well, Jolene, the full name’s actually Ashton Fletcher Irwin. Yours?” he stuck his hand out for me to shake, and I paused for a moment before I finally shook it. “Jolene Alaska Adams.”

 “That’s awesome! I really like that name.” he smiled back at me. “So you know your first period, where are the rest of your classes? I’m guessing you have all Sophomore classes since you’re a... Sophomore, right?”

 I nodded while handing him my schedule. “Okay, well you were just in Advanced History. Wow, advanced.” He laughed. He stopped laughing and his face got serious once he realized all my classes were Advanced Placement classes. “Damn, we got a 15 year old genius over here.” He yelled into the empty hallway.

“Shut up.” I wined, while laughing. “And how did you know I was 15?”

 “Says so at the top of your sheet.” He said in a ‘duh’ sort of manner.

 “Okay,” he continued. “We have only have third and fifth together.. Uhm, you have Luke in all of them, Calum in seventh.. And it looks like Mikeys in your fourth. They’re pretty cool, don’t worry.”

 “So are they your friends?” I asked after he’d shown me where the cafeteria was.

 “Yeah, practically brothers.  We play music in a band too, but we aren’t anything serious yet.” He told me.

 “Oh, that’s awesome. What kind of music do you guys play?” I asked. We were walking outside so he could show me the lunch area and sports areas.

 “Well, we like Nirvana, Green Day, Blink 182, and Mayday Parade. It’s kind of like that. I play drums, Calum plays the bass, Michael’s guitar, and Luke’s guitar and lead vocalist. It’s pretty cool actually.” He sat down on a cement bench and scooted over so I’d have room.

  “I love those bands!” I told him excitedly.

 We heard a bell go off, signaling it was break in between first and second period. “All five of us have free period second, and so do Jessica and Mackenzie.”  I looked back up at him.

 “Five of us? Who are they?”

 “Uh, yeah the five of us. You’re one of our new friends, duh. Jessica is Michaels girlfriend, and Mack’s my girl.” He smiled to himself stupidly. “We all usually meet here, so they should be here except for Luke and Jess. I think Luke had some kind of appointment, he'll probably be back soon though.”

Once I heard laughing and feet hitting sidewalk, I looked up to see three people running towards us. A boy with black hair in a fringe who was very pale, a very tanned boy with incredibly dark hair, and a gorgeous girl with light brown hair and the brightest blue eyes running up to us. The girl, who I’m guessing was Mackenzie, ran up Ashton and sat on his lap, giving him a peck on the check.

“Hey babes.” She said to him. “Who’s this?” she turned her attention towards me and smiled. Her teeth were blindingly bright.

 “Well, this is that new girl the teachers have been talking about. Her names Jolene Alaska Adams. Isn’t that cool? She’s got classes with all of us boys.” Ashton told them. 

 “Well then Jolene Alaska Adams, I’m Calum Thomas Hood. Nice to meet ya.” The tanner boy said. I stuck my handout for a handshake, but he pushed it down and hugged me instead. “Uh, no handshakes in this friendship group. Hugs are only excepted.” He pulled away from the hug, and the next boy spoke.

 "I hate going last.” He whined jokingly. “I’m Michael Gordon Clifford.” He gave me a hug as well.

 “Mikey, shut it. You’re not last. I am,” Mackenzie said. “Mackenzie Morgan Ross, also known as Mack, Rossi, or Kenzie.” She gave me a welcoming and friendly smile.

 I laughed. “Nice to meet you all.” I said, and they;excpet for Ashton,  looked at me weird. “Whoa, you’re American? That’s so cool! I don’t know many people with American accents.” Calum said looking surprised.

“Yeah, well I don’t know many Aussie people but I guess that’s changing too, huh?” I joked, nudging his shoulder with mine.

 Just then, someone new walked up. His hair was blonde, and styled in a sort of quif. He was outrageously tall, and honestly, had even bluer eyes than Mackenzie.

 “Hey Luke, this is the new girl. Meet our new best friend. Also known as Jolene Alaska Adams.” Mackenzie told the boy, or Luke, excitedly. He looked up at me, I waved and smiled, but his eyes  just sparkled.

“Hi Jolene, I’m Luke Hemming’s.” He told me, I smile etching itself onto his mouth.




Thank's for reading everyone(:

~Cailey xx

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