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You see, nothing, for me, hurts worse than being lied to.

It was one thing, when I found out that I was being lied to by Tommy when he cheated on me with Carly. That was a relationship. But family. That's what hurts when it has to do with being lied to.

I had grown up in Washington. I believed that James Adams was my brother. I believed that Troy Adams was my father. I believed that Rory Lancaster, her maiden name before she married my father in 1990, was my mother. But I was wrong. Oh, I was so wrong.

Now, I had always loved my family.

'Family.' I shouldn't even use the word. I always loved those people. But they lied to me. And now, I didn't know what to do.

I was adopted.

How did I find out?  Well, I got a call. I got a call from somewhere in Washington. I figured, maybe it's a friend from my old school who accidentally dialed my number. But no. It was a woman. And she had a story.

She said that when she was 16, she stupidly got drunk at a party, and she slept with some dude. Long story short, she got knocked up and had me. The guy ended up leaving, what a shock. Her mother helped her, or should I say my grandmother helped her, and she put me up for adoption. Obviously. Troy and Rory, a couple who after having James couldn't conceive again and wanted a daughter, ended up taking me. She told me that at first, she didn't want any contact with me. But now, she met the guy; she met my father, again. And he asked about me. She told him she gave me up. And now, they wanted to find me.

Lauren Dylan. That was my mothers name. Logan George. That was my fathers name. And now, they have another daughter, named Hannah. I had a sister. And back home, I had a second family. I had my real family.

Although they hadn't had much proof that this was all legitimate, I could see it. Whenever we needed to use a birth certificate, they never had one. Everyone said I looked nothing like my family. I never felt like I fit in with them either.

As soon as I had gotten off the phone with her , I searched through James's room, and sure enough, hidden under the bed in his safe, was an adoption form. It made sense that when Troy and Rory died, he had to take all the paper work. It made sense.

I didn't know what to do. Obviously, I was scared. I was hurt. I was lied to. I felt unwanted. Because at one point, I really was. I was unwanted by my own, biological mother.

I sat in my room for an hour, sitting on my bed, looking at the photo of us in front of our old home. I sat for an hour, thinking of every old memory. I sat there for an hour, before finally breaking down and crying, before I got up and ran out the door.

The last thing I remember was seeing Luke in the hall. Then, it was all a blur.


I woke up with a headache, a sore throat as well. I didn't even have enough energy to open my eyes yet. I moved my hand up to my eyes - or at least tried to, there was an arm around my body. I stopped, hoping I didn't go out and do something as stupid as get drunk and hook up with someone. "Fuck." I said, immediately regretting opening my eyes. The sun hurt. Scratch that, everything hurt. I kept my eyes closed for a couple more seconds before I opened them again, only to be met with a bar chest. I followed the lightly tanned skin up to a face, meeting Luke's oceanic blue eyes with my green ones.

"Hey there." He said lightly, his tired eyes blinking slowly. "How'd you sleep?"

"Okay. You?" I asked back quietly, the feeling of talking hurting.

"I uh,' He laughed. "I didn't sleep. I wanted to make sure you sleep before I did."

"Luke.. What happened?"  I could tell by the look on his face that I should've known the answer more than he did."We didn't.. Did we?" I asked him another question, now making the realization that a) we was shirtless and in sweats, b) I was wearing his top and had no pants on,  and c) we were currently cuddled up like we had.

"No, no.' He chuckled warily. 'Nothing like that happened."

"Then.." I cut myself off, my throat hurting more by the second.

"Well, I went to your apartment yesterday to have a movie night with you. I uh.. I knocked on your door, and you ran out crying. We were there till about 7 until James came by, you left, he told me to have you stay here.. You didn't come in to sleep till about 1. You didn't say a word all night." He sighed before tilting his head up and looking at the ceiling. 'Jolene. I'm worried about you." He moved his body and shifted it to where his legs were criss cross, and his head hung low. "I've worried about you a lot. I just want you to be okay, that's all I want. You're the most important girl in my life and.. And I just want you to be happy." You could see something in his eyes. He wasn't just saying any of this, and I truly understood it. I couldn't help the small smile that found it's way to my lips. It soon faded when he asked the next question, "What was wrong?"

"Luke.. I got a call yesterday." He looked at me expectantly, waiting for me to continue. "From my mom."

"Wait.. I thought your parents.. What about the crash?" His eyebrows furrowed together in confusion.

Well, here it goes.

"Luke.. I was adopted. I got a call from my birth mom yesterday. She wants to meet me." I tell him, and he grabs my hands.

"Jo..That's a good thing, right?" All I can think of to do is shrug. "Then why were you crying so much?"

"Because Luke, don't you get it? God, I'm so tired of being left, and I'm tired of being fucking lied to. Everyone leaves, Luke. Everyone's lied to me. The people who I thought were my family have been lying to me the whole 16 years of my life. My fucking adoption parents left me.. And I understand that it wasn't their fault. But God, it hurt so damn much." My voice cracked at the end and I felt the first tear roll down my cheek. Luke's eyes turned from their normally bright, oceanic blue to the lightest, clearest color of grey. His hand reached for mine, and his fingers intertwined with mine. I looked down and smiled at them, soon seeing a tear drop splash down onto his thumb. "Tommy left. I lost Carly. Fuck, my own birth mother left me. Before she even fucking knew me. I didn't even matter to her. You don't give up your child like that." I started to shake again. "And before I know it, you, Ashton, Calum, Michael, Mackenzie. You guy's will have left too." I looked back up at him, trying to choke back the sob I could feel coming. My throat felt tight, and my stomach was churning, and I didn't know what to do, It was last night all over again.

I looked into his eyes again, and within a second they changed once again; from dull grey to bright, almost neon blue. "Jolene, listen to me. Fuck them. They lied to you. Yes, it's gonna hurt. It's gonna hurt a whole fucking lot, I'm gonna tell you the truth. But don't you ever, even for a second, think that I will ever leave. Jolene, I fucking love you and I'm staying." He closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them again, before continuing. "I'l be here when we graduate, I'll be here when we decide to go to the same stupid college together. I'll be here when you've gone through another breakup and the only things surrounding you are pizza and Oreo ice cream. I'll be here when you find the guy you love and decide to marry him. Jolene, no matter if you try to push me away, I'm not fucking leaving. That's a goddamn promise." His grip on my hands was increasing, and when I looked down his knuckles were an almost ghostly white.


"No, I'm not leaving. Don;t try to convince me because you think it'll hurt less now than if it happens later. I'm not fucking going anywhere."

For the first time, I saw something in Luke. A tear ran down his face, him being the one crying now while I stared at him in shock. His eyes were vibrant. They were almost mesmerizing, something I felt like I could stare at forever. I could feel my lips slightly twitching upward, and his lips copied the same actions.

Before he leaned in, and kissed me.



yes they finally had a little kissy kiss but don't expect it to go all romantical now ive got things planned

thank you guys so fucking much for getting this to almost 1.2 k this is fucking awesome


love you guysssss, read, vote, comment, follow, do all that shnazzy stuffs


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