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Thank you guys all for getting me to 30+ reads, 6 comments, and 6 votes! That's pretty good for only having this up for a few days(:

So I think I'm going to try to update this every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday. So yeah.

I've also decided I'm going to try to make each chapter at least 3 pages too.

Again, thanks for all the supports. I've had about 5 people message me saying how they liked my stories and just saying nice things.

I dedicated this Chap to idoaugustus because she said she liked my user even though it's dummmb. But thank you, it made me smile.

K.. Now for the story. Enjoy!




I spent the rest of my lunch with Carly and their group. Yes, she was rude earlier. But I'm a second chance type of person. And I said something fairly rude as well, so I couldn't turn them down. I felt bad for leaving Luke and the group, but I wanted to make a few other friends too, and the opportunity was presenting itself. I saw Tommy there, and we talked more. I had a feeling Carly liked him, so I tried to get the conversation to end. But, he kept it going, wanting to talk. He was actually really nice. He talked about how him and his mom moved here after his dad died, and I felt like I could relate to him a lot.

No one here except for James knew that my parents had passed, and I wanted to keep it that way. I didn't want pity, or any type of special treatment. I wanted to be myself, and be with people who would allow it.  Not be the girl who'd lost her parents. I was recreating myself.

On a few occasions, I would talk with Carly, and two other girls who I'd found out were Mandi and Ally, as well as a few boys that Tommy were friends with. I got along well with a lot of them, and before I knew it, I was invited to a few parties over the course of the next few weeks.

Lunch had come to an end, and I went to my locker, which I found was across the hallway from Luke's, to get my books. I walked up behind him, and tapped him on his right shoulder, moving to the left to play a little juvenile game of hide and seek. He didn't fall for it though, and he turned his head to the left, a confused expression at first then a smile. "Hey there." he  finished getting his books. "What class are you going to next?" he asked.

I pulled the paper that had my classes on them out and glanced to my fifth period spot. "Looks like AP Science. Ashton said you both had it with me." I put it back into my binder and started to walk where Ash showed me; the Science room.

"Yeah, Mr. Dennis isn't too bad. He's probably not assigning homework since it's Thursday. He doesn't like to correct stuff on Fridays." he told me. He walked with me the whole way to the class. "So do you have all AP classes?"

"Uh, yeah. Kind of a 4.0 average student. I took a lot of extra credit classes too when I was in Washington and ended up with a 148% end of year average in my classes. I was kind of considered a nerd back then, I had those huge black glasses, kind of like the ones girls wear today to look cute." I laughed, and so did he. We walked into the classroom, and a balded man, who I'm predicting to be Mr. Dennis told me to sit wherever. I sat next to Luke with Ashton directly behind me.

"So you used to live in Washington then? Doesn't it rain all the time there?" Luke asked. I smiled at the thought, I loved the rain. I love the feeling of being in rain.

"Yeah," I laughed. "It's not as bad as people make it seem. And I don;t really mind it anyways. I prefer rain over sun."

"Well then you moved to the wrong place Jo." Ashton said budding into Luke and I's chat. We all laughed, and went to our work. Science was my least favourite subject. To be honest, I didn't really like any class. My art class was the only one I liked, I like being creative. The feeling of being able to create something so simple or extravagant, something abstract was what I think I liked the most. The feeling of being free with every stroke of a brush, or slide of a pastel chalk. It's a great feeling, the feeling of being able to make something your own way with no restrictions.

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