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Wow, okay, so you guys got two votes in a day. That might not ssem like a lot, but still, it's kinda cool for me(:

Anyways, thanks for reading the story and the positive feedback and everything guys(:

So She Looks So Perfect (official) came out today while I was at school, and I've been waiting for almost 6 hours to watch it and I just did. Omfg. I loved it so much. I can't get over Luke with a lip ring, it looks so good.

They're teases but oh well, kay. Now for the story y'alls.

It a almost a whole year after Jolene came to the school, and they're in their Junior (3rd) year.

GIF of Luke doing his lip things and guitar playin. You're welcome, and I'm sorry.




"Go Rockfield!" Carly, Mandi, and I all yelled out to the crowd. Tonight was our annual football game against our rival school, Jameson High. Let me tell you how I got her though.

Last year, I was asked out by Tommy Hall at the annual school starting party. I said yes, and we've been dating ever since. I made the cheer team and became captain, while Mandi and Carly were my co-captains. In all honesty, I didn't want to be captain, but it kind of just worked out that way. It's my second year here in Australia, and I've gotten close with quite a few people. I've even told Carly and Tommy about my parents death, but we rarely talk about it anymore.

Tommy and me have been dating a year now, so I've gotten pretty close with him. Nothing has happened though, I'm not ready. I'm only sixteen. Carly was my best friend. And here at Rockfield, people tell me I'm considered the popular girl. I've never been popular, and if I'm going to tell you the truth; if what I had now was popularity, I didn't necessarily like it. Yes, I loved my friends and my boyfriend. But, popularity isn't as great as it sounds. A lot of the people I was 'friends' with were rude, ignorant assholes, and Carly was a bitch to practically anyone she didn't know. Tommy was pretty cool, but he was an ass to a bunch of these kids who were in a few of my classes that were actually pretty cool.

We were outside, at 8 o'clock at night, Carly, Ally, Mandi, and I all sitting on the sidelines. We only had to cheer for the first half of the game, and the rest of the time, we got to watch or leave. "Okay, Jo, what are you wearing tomorrow for the party?" Ally asked.

"Uhm, I'm not sure really. I actually think me and Tommy are skipping and hanging out at his place?" I said. I walked past Carly, and it almost looked like she had an annoyed look on her face. "You all right Carls?" I asked her, nudging her shoulder. The look on her face tried to morph to a smile, but didn't.

"Yeah, just fine. So you and Tommy are hanging out as his place, huh? You guys gonna finally get it over with?" she asked laughing.

"Ha, no. Carly, I'm only sixteen. I'm not ready yet." I said, getting money out of my sports bag and walking back to my friends. "So who wants to go get a coke with me?" I held up the money in my hands and raised my eyebrow.

"Hell yeah I will, I'm freaking dying of thirst. The new routine is killing me." Ally said. Mandi had to go to the bathroom, and Carly said she would stay back and watch our things till we got back.

Me and Ally started to walk to the concessions stand before Ally spoke. "Do you know why Carly's been acting so weird lately? I wonder if it's because her and Noah broke up." she said.

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