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Got a guitar the other day and I'm pretty much obsessed. It's a Fender acoustic and it's a total beaut.

My friend stayed the night on Saturday and we both had McDonalds and pizaa, then a bag of Dove chocolates and soda's. Yeah. But hey, it's food bro.

Decided to dedicate to @5SOS_Luke_17 because she's SUPER nice and cool, and she has great stories(:

Hope you guys like this. I'm gonna try to make the chapters shorter though cause I feel like theres too much happening in one chap and I want this to be a long fanfic, so yerp.




I woke up to the sound of off key singing and the sound of metal being slammed against each other , which meant only one thing. James was making breakfast for me. I rolled out of bed, only to end up falling off and landing on my wood floors. I started to laugh at myself, then finally got up and checked my phone. The time was 6:10 and school starts at 8:00 so I had about two hours. I went over to my iPhone dock and put it in, putting Green Day on to drown out the sound of metal banging and horrid singing, I went to my closet. After about ten minutes of standing there, trying to pick out an outfit, I decided on what to wear. Today would be a lazy day.

I pulled a grey Nike sweatshirt over my head, then pulled on black leggings, along with grey UGG boots. My hair wasn't dirty, but I didn't want to put any effort into it, so I tied it into a bun. Today was Friday, and today, as well as this weekend would be people free. I would get a few new books after school at a cute little book shop near my apartment, get a coffee and chocolates, and read while listening to music.

I walked out to the kitchen, and sure enough James was covered in pancake batter. "You alright there?" I asked while laughing at him.

"Peachy." he joked while glaring at me. "Okay, you cook and I'll clean." he handed me the spatula. I grabbed it out of his hands and tossed him a towel, him catching it without even looking.

"Do you know where the cinnamon and honey is?" 

"Uhm, in the cupboard." he answered. He stopped cleaning and turned around. "Are you making your pancakes?" his eyes grew wide. I nodded my head and chuckled while he did his little dance. I put all of the ingredients into the batter. Fifteen  minutes later, I was done with the pancakes and had even made eggs and some bacon too, then put it on two plates. "So why are you wearing that? And where's the makeup?" James asked me.

I shrugged while taking a bite of eggs. "I wanted a lazy day. And if I'm doing a lazy day, I'm not doing make up." He hummed in response and ate the rest of his food within minutes, leaving me with an almost still full plate. "How do you even eat that fast? Or that much an not get fat?" I laughed.

"Magic." he said, wiggling his fingers in the air. I rolled my eyes and laughed again, finishing off my plate quickly. "Hey, can I drop you off at school early today? I have a meeting with that dude who owns the gallery downtown."

"Yeah, sure. Just let me go get my stuff." I walked into my room and got my black bag and headphones, then got my phone off the dock. I checked the time to see that it was now 7:15. "Ready!" I yelled throughout the apartment.

"Okay, let's go!" he said, waving his keys and opening the door. After I'd gotten into the hall, I walked down to the lobby with James and to the parking garage. "Do you wanna stop at the Starbucks?"

I nodded my head and got my headphones and phone out, looking through my music. My whole phone basically consisted of Green Day, Mayday Parade, Sleeping with Sirens, Nirvana, and We The Kings. My thumb hovered over a few songs, deciding if I wanted to listen to that one or not, before I scrolled back to the top and pressed shuffle. Skyway Avenue by We The Kings soon played through the headphones, and I hummed along. I subtly nodded and swayed my head along to the music. I closed my eyes, then began to sing along inside my head when I felt a elbow nudge my arm. "We're here." James said pulling out his wallet. "What do you want?"

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