5. Questions

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I woke up and the first thing I could think of doing was texting Dan. We agreed to meet at the usual coffee shop at 1 for lunch. I looked at the time, it was 11 so I had ages to get ready. I had a shower and dried and straightened my hair and put on some make up. I looked in my wardrobe and grabbed some skinnies and a hoodie. Then I took the hoodie off and replaced it with a bit of a nicer top. Might as well look my best for Dan.

I looked at the clock and it was only half 12 so I jumped on the sofa and shoved the tv on watching nothing in particular. I got out my phone and went onto twitter to see I had new mentions and followers. ‘BASTILLEdan and 128 others followed you’. Woah his band must be popular, with me gaining that many followers just from him following me! I scrolled through his profile, looking through the pictures mainly. I saw he had uploaded one from Saturday night, with him, Adam, Toby and Rick all pulling stupid faces at the camera and him pointing to Toby, all of them looking pretty drunk. I looked at the caption, saying ‘Missed this bunch of weirdo’s’. I laughed and favourited the tweet.

I got up from the sofa and grabbed my jacket and put my purse, phone and keys in my pocket. I will be a bit early but might as well leave now. Although I don't want to look to eager. Why am I being such a girl, just leave already. Just as I got to the entrance of the café I saw Dan walking up from the other direction. He smiled and gave a little wave. He did that the other day too, a funny little wave, it made me chuckle a little bit, which he noticed and turned a shade of red. I gave him a little hug and we walked inside together.

I ordered a ham and cheese panini, latte and of course a blueberry muffin, and he ordered a chicken and bacon sandwich, cappuccino and a blueberry muffin as well, making me smile. We went and found a booth and waited for our food to be brought over.

“How are you then?” I started off polite conversation.

“Yeah good thanks, not much has changed since last night! Yourself?”

“Yeah same really! Did you like the film?”

“I thought it was wicked, I love those sorts of films!” he said enthusiastically. “What did you think of it? I saw you and Toby laughing mostly through it.”

“Yeah I dunno I can never really get into films like that, I loose concentration way too easily I think.”

“Ah what sort of films do you like?” he asked, looking actually interested in what I had to say.

“Really stupid cheesy ones like girly rom-coms mainly. But then I love loads of old films and action ones as well I guess. Not really into the whole mysterious 'who's the murderer' type films I end up getting bored.” Just then our food and coffee’s came, Dan thanking the waiter.

“I have an idea. I know this is really stupid but we don’t know that much about each other. Lets play 10 questions?” He looked up at me, his eyes questioning.

“Ah I don’t know, I’m pretty boring! But alright if you want. Then it’s my turn though, I want to know more about the band and stuff!”

“Haha okay. First things first. Favourite food?”

“Easy. Chinese.. Crispy duck pancakes are just incredible. You?”

“Interesting,” he smiled. “Definitely chicken, you can have it with literally anything and it tastes good.” I nodded in agreement laughing.

“But wait.. Chicken and chocolate? That doesn’t exactly go?” I questioned him.

“How do you know? Have you ever had it before?” he chuckled in response. “Anyway it goes with most things so stop being picky! Question 2 time now, where did you grow up?”

What would you do? (A Bastille/ Dan Smith fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now