64. Romantic Dan

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I had another brilliant day with Lou and Ellie and I was over the moon. Only a few days ago this whole concept of having a child freaked me out, but now I could see that I could handle this. I could be a brilliant father to Ellie, today Lou had even told me how good I was with Ellie and how well she had responded to me.

I wanted to do something fun tonight, celebrate my happiness. I got home and I knew no one was home tonight other than me and Ally and so I decided I would cook a romantic meal for the two of us.

I slaved away in the kitchen for over an hour, preparing the perfect meal, all the chicken needed was half an hour in the oven. I put it in the oven and proudly looked at what I had made. I was a pretty shitty cook, I just hope this tastes good. I set the table, managing to find some candles to make the table look a bit nicer. After that was done I went into my room to get changed. I decided to go all out there with the romance and put on a shirt and blazer and my nicest pair of black jeans. I left my glasses on, not bothering with putting in contacts and I put a bit more wax in my hair, just to waste some time until Ally was home. It was half 6 now, she should be back soon.

I jumped on the sofa and started doing what I do whenever I have a free five minutes, scrolling through twitter, facebook and Instagram.


“DAN.. DAN! FUCKING HELL DAN WAKE UP!” My eyes shot open and I sat up on the sofa quickly, seeing the smoke that had filled the room.

“Shit!” I screamed, running to the oven and grabbing the food from inside, which was now completely burnt.

I heard laughing coming from behind me and saw Ally stood bent over cackling at me. I threw the baking tray on the counter and joined in laughing with her. She came towards me and wrapped her arms around my neck, still giggling.

“You tried to cook?!” She sputtered out, letting out laughs in between each word.

“Tried being the main word in that sentence!” I held her waist and buried my face in her neck. “I just wanted to do something nice and romantic!”

“Well, you should know, cooking isn’t your strong point. But Smith, may I say you look bloody good.” She pulled away from me and looked me up and down. “You’re an amazing person, hilarious, a talented musician and you look good, but you’re a shit cook darling.”

“Ah charming.” I laughed, leaning down to kiss Ally.

“You in a shirt is too good to waste.” She grinned up at me. “Give me ten minutes, we’re going out.” With that she let go of me and ran off into the bedroom. I smiled and sat back down on the sofa, making sure not to fall asleep again.

Ten minutes later, Ally appeared wearing a beautiful loose black dress and black heels with lots of gold jewellery, her hair tied up with ringlets of hair framing her face and her make up perfect. “You look stunning, Al.”

“Not as good as you, Smith.”

I blushed furiously as she approached me and sat on my lap, holding my cheek. “Stop blushing when I complement you, you perfect idiot.” She placed a load of kisses all over my face, making me laugh. “Come on, let’s get going otherwise I’m just going to want to take those clothes off of you right now.” She whispered in my ear.

“Later Al.” I smirked, pushing her off my lap and grabbing her hand as I stood up.

As we got out of the flat and into the lift Ally turned to me. “Dan, where are we going?”

I thought for a moment, realising that I didn’t actually know. “Actually I know just the place.” I smiled as I realised the perfect place to go.

“Do I get to know?”

“Nope.” I squeezed her hand and lead her out of the lift, chuckling at the confused look plastered on her face.

We walked towards the taxi rank and I opened the door of one of the cars for her to get in. “Dan, you’re actually scaring me, acting like a right gent and everything.”

“That just shows that I need to start being a bit more romantic then.” I held her hand as I sat next to her in the car. “Block your ears.” Ally laughed and covered her ears with her hands whilst I leant forward and whispered to the driver the address.

Ten minutes later and we had arrived at our destination. I paid for the taxi and got out of the car. I turned to Ally and she had a huge grin on her face and a small tear coming from her eye. “Where we had our first date.” She stated, giving my hand a squeeze. “I love you.” She pecked my lips and rested her head on my shoulder.

“I love you too.” I wiped the tear from her cheek. “I hope that’s because you’re happy!”

“Of course. I couldn’t be happier with anyone else.” I kissed her forehead and lead her inside.

“Daniel!” Marcio, the owner, shouted in his thick Italian accent as he ran out from behind the bar as we entered the restaurant. “I was wondering when we would see you again! Your parents were here just last week! And you have brought your beautiful girl here again!”

“Marcio!” I greeted him with a hug and so did Ally.

“Come through, come through!” Marcio shouted, leading us through to a table at the back of the restaurant. “Can I get you some drinks?”

“Wine?” I looked at Ally who nodded enthusiastically. “A bottle of white please Marcio.”

I glanced over at Ally who was looking down at the menu and I found myself staring at her, studying her perfect features. She suddenly glimpsed up, catching my eye and I quickly diverted my gaze to my own menu and felt my cheeks burn. Good one Dan, look like a creep staring at her.

“Stop blushing Smith you loser.” Ally laughed grabbing hold of my hand.

After finishing our meals at the restaurant we decided to go for a romantic walk along the Thames, stopping frequently to watch street performers or just generally take in the beautiful view. A little while of walking and I noticed Ally starting to shiver, so as I was trying to act like a gentleman tonight I removed my blazer and placed it over her shoulders.

“You’re being too cute tonight Smith.” She beamed up at me and kissed my lips. “Thank you.. For everything.”

“No Al, thank you. You’ve had to put up a lot of my shit recently and I want you to know I appreciate it and love you more than anything.” I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and kissed her forehead.

“Soppy git.” Ally pinched my arm slightly. “This has been lovely though.” She rested her head on my chest and we stood quiet for a few moments before she broke the silence. “Wanna go anywhere else or back to yours?”

“Hmmmmm. Grab a bottle and go back home?”


We strolled to the nearest shop to buy a bottle of wine and then got in a taxi and went back to my flat. Lately though it’s feeling more like our flat. I mean, Ally basically lives at mine now and it would be awesome to make it official. I just don’t want for her to think we’re moving too fast and then for her to freak out.

We got into the flat, the faint smell of burnt food still lingering in the flat but not letting that dampen our happy spirits. I poured a glass of wine for each of us but we barely got to finish it before we found ourselves all over each other, allowing our desire for one another take over.

What would you do? (A Bastille/ Dan Smith fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now