39. Guilty conscience

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“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Dan pushed me away as soon as I kissed him. 

“I’m sorry, I just thought-“ 

“You thought what Kaley?! Just because me and Ally have argued it means I would get with you.” He stood up and went back into the club. 

Oh fuck, what have I done? This whole master plan of mine just turned to shit. I told Johnny where we were going tonight and to meet us there. I said Ally had been talking about him and still loves him. I knew he would try something with her, leaving Dan angry, upset and vulnerable. I did this to get to Dan. But Dan pushed me away, he doesn’t want me. 

Tears started streaming down my cheeks. How could I do this to Ally? Why was it that I was so captivated by Dan that I would do this? Oh Kaley, you’ve really buggered it up now. 

I wiped my tears away and stood up and went back into the club, seeing Kyle just as I got back inside. “I was just coming to find you.” Oh no. He knew. Dan had come in and told him and Ally was never going to speak to me again. “I think Ally’s a bit upset about things.” Shit, he definitely knew. I began to panic. 

“Look, Kyle I don’t know what he said but-“ 

Kyle quickly cut me off “So you know Johnny tried it on with Ally?” I gave a confused frown and slowly nodded even though I had no idea what he was talking about. “She didn’t want me to tell anyone but she went home. It got pretty messy. Dan acted like an idiot so I need to find him and sort him out. Have you seen him?” 

“No, no I haven’t. He’s not outside. Look, I think I’m going to head off.” 

“Oh, okay. Well give me ten minutes and I will come with you.” 

“Errr, not tonight Kyle. I’m sorry, I’m just feeling a bit sick and I just want to go to bed. I can go and check on Ally too.” Kyle nodded and I made my way to the exit and onto the street. I got into a taxi and was home within 5 minutes. 

I got inside and went down the hall to Ally’s bedroom. I opened the door and let the light from the hallway illuminate her room slightly. She looked so peaceful, so unaware of how much of a bitch her so called best friend had been. I quietly shut the door and went into my own room, took all my make up off and lay in my bed. If I go to sleep, maybe I will forget about it. Maybe Dan won’t remember it, it’s fine. I closed my eyes tightly and prepared myself for a restless night.

So sorry for the ridiculously short chapter! My laptops broken and it's got the next chapter on it so I was writing this from memory of what I've already written. Absolute nightmare! Hopefully I will be able to get it fixed and do another update this week!

Also, whilst I'm doing an authors note I just want to say thank you SO much for everyone who has read this/commented/voted. It's mental that people actually read this and I just hope you're enjoying it. I love reading your comments etc so keep commenting! Thank you!

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