47. Emergency

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I hated seeing anyone cry, least of all Ally. I held her close until she fell asleep leaning on me. I slowly moved her head off my chest and onto the pillow and left the room, I needed a drink.

I went to the kitchen and searched the cupboards, I’m sure we had some vodka in here somewhere.

“Alright, mate?” Adam said as he walked into the kitchen, giving me a strange look as my head was buried into a cupboard.

“Yeah, just need a drink. Where’s that vodka that was left over from the other week?”

Adam reached up to a cupboard I hadn’t checked in and grabbed it handing it to me. “Anything wrong?”

I wasn’t sure if Adam was the right person to tell about all of this stuff. I mean, Kaley is his sister, and I knew he still had feelings for Ally. But then he was always good at giving me advice and I needed him there as a best friend right now.

“Yeah, actually there is. I think you need to have a word with your sister, she’s trying to involve herself into mine and Ally’s relationship. She kissed me the other day and then tried to turn it around on me and it’s just shit. She’s upset Ally and that’s the last thing I want. She doesn’t even realise that she’s done anything wrong.” Adam was silent as he tried to process the information. I grabbed a glass from the draining board and filled it with vodka. I held another glass up questioning to Adam if he wanted one too but he shook his head.

“So, let me get this straight, Kaley kissed you?”


“Are you sure you did nothing to provoke her?”

“Adam what do you take me for?! You know I hate cheating. I’m sorry, I know she’s your sister but I don’t see her in that way at all. I love Ally.”

“Wait, you love Ally?”

“Yeah I do. And I don’t want anyone ruining this. Kaley’s her best friend and I don’t know why she’s acting like this.”

“Right, this is all pretty weird to be honest Dan. I can talk to Kaley and see what’s going on but I’m not promising anything.”

“Thank you. It’s just, I’m going away soon and I want Ally to be happy here. But with her best friend acting all crazy it worries me. What if I’m doing the wrong thing, leaving Al to go on tour?”

“Dude, you aren’t doing the wrong thing at all. Kaley and Ally always have these little fall outs, it’s what girls do. Granted, none of their fall outs are usually to do with cheating with the others boyfriend but I’m certain they will work this out. Plus, are you really going to miss the opportunity to tour Europe and America?!”

“Your right, they’re just girls.” I sighed, downing the drink and rinsing the cup out.

“I’m going to bed but don’t worry yourself about this, okay?”

“Yeah, no worries. Thanks Ad.” With that, Adam left the room, leaving me alone to think about things.

Ally and Kaley should talk things through, but right now I didn’t want Kaley anywhere near Ally. I didn’t want Kaley to try and poison Ally’s mind with rubbish like she had tried to today.

I went back to my bedroom and opened the door, illuminating the room slightly. Ally was laying there peacefully. She really is beautiful.

“Dan?” Ally whispered as I climbed under the duvet.

“Sorry, did I wake you?”

“Don't worry." She lifted her head for me to lie down and she buried her face into my neck. "I love you.”

“I love you too.” I held her close and kissed her forehead. I really did love her, how was I going to leave her?


“Yes Kyle... Yes I know… Look I will be there as quick as I can, I’ve already told you that…. Well it can’t be that bad otherwise you would have called an ambulance!…. Look let me go so that I can leave already!.... I'll borrow Adam's car and be over in 5.” Dan hung up the phone and threw it onto the bed. He ran to his drawers and grabbed some clothes and shoved them on and then gave me a quick kiss.

“UH DAN?!” I shouted before he managed to leave the room. “Are you going to tell me what the hell’s going on?!” He had mentioned an ambulance, what was going on?!

“Emergency with Kyle, I’ll call you in a bit. Love you.” And with that he left the room and I was sat on my own in bed. Brilliant, what the hell am I supposed to do now!

I decided to get up and get breakfast and then I slobbed out in front of the TV at Dan’s all day with Toby who had the day off work, not hearing anything from Dan. I knew there was a leaving party tonight seeing as we were leaving for the tour tomorrow so I thought I might as well start getting ready for that at about 5.

I took my time, having a long shower and straightening my hair and taking extra care with my make-up. I was just about finished with trying out new ideas with my make-up and was sat on the floor, close to Dan’s mirror when he finally came home

“I’m so sorry, Al. I didn’t think that would take all day!” He sighed as he entered the room and leant against the door.

“Do you fancy telling me what the hell happened?!”

“Urgh, Kyle happened! He fell down the stairs and thought he broke his ankle so I went and took him to a&e. Turned out it was just a sprain or something but they took hours doing x-rays and then waiting around, you know what hospitals are like!”

“So you didn’t fancy calling? Or replying to my billion texts?” I looked like a right nagging girlfriend but I didn’t care.

“I would have done if I had taken my phone.” He rumbled through the duvet and his phone fell on the floor. Now I felt a bit stupid. “12 calls, Al, really?!”

“Well you didn’t really give me an explanation of where you were going! I got worried alright!”

“Nawwww look at you all worried about me.” He slid down the door and was sat next to me on the floor and pushed me gently back and started kissing me. “Does that make up for it?” He whispered into my ear as he broke off the kiss.

“Nope, not really.” I smirked at him.

“What about this?” He kissed me along my neck and stopped when he reached my chest.

“Still.. No.” I hoped this would make him continue.

“Well, you’re just bloody hard to please then!” He joked, standing up quickly, leaving me lying on the floor wanting more.

“You’re such a tease Dan. I hate you.” I hauled myself back into my cross legged position in front of the mirror.

“No you don’t, far from it.” He flashed me a cheesy grin. “I’m going for a shower, be ready to leave in half an hour?”

“Yes, Sir!” I jokingly saluted at him.

He leant down and kissed my cheek. “You’ve just got too much attitude about you these days, Al.” He said, chuckling as he left the room.

What would you do? (A Bastille/ Dan Smith fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now