74. Epilogue

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It was a long time before I saw and had a conversation with Dan Smith properly again after the night that I moved all of my stuff out of his.

Of course I saw him sometimes; the first time was at Adam’s birthday 3 months after we broke up. I had purposely avoided going to anything with the guys where it was possible, but I felt bad missing out on Adam’s birthday. I turned up to the house party 2 hours late, so everyone was already drunk. I then spent the next hour dodging both Dan and Kaley, who was also at the party. Two people I was avoiding in one night, perfect! I then walked into the bathroom to find Dan crying and I immediately ran from the flat, not saying goodbye to anyone. I didn't feel ready to confront him again, I had found the break up extremely difficult and I had been tempted to go back to him. So seeing him crying made me panic and run. I know that's not the most mature thing to do when faced with something you don't want to be faced with, but I just couldn't deal with seeing him again, it was too soon.

The next few times I saw him was just seeing him walking past the coffee shop or around town. Each time I froze up, scared that he would come to speak to me, but he never did.

Luckily, Bastille got bigger than ever just after we broke up as well, so Dan was hardly in London and so the chances of us bumping were pretty slim. But unluckily for me, it meant that he was always on the radio or tv, always there to remind me of what we had. Even though we weren’t together for long, I had never felt love like it and I never expected to feel it again.

But I did feel love again. It took over a year but I felt it.

Seth was good enough to take me in after the break up. After a few weeks of living on his sofa we decided it was best to find a new place that was big enough for the pair of us. We moved into an amazing two bedroom flat a few streets away. We spent most of our time together and there was never a dull moment with Seth around.

I tried going out on dates but they never led to anything. I had the odd one night stand, but they never meant anything to me. So did Seth. He’s an attractive guy, the girls went crazy for him. For a while, we would go out and act as each other’s wing man and wing woman, helping each other pick out a partner for the night.

Then one night, about a year after we had been living together, we had gone out and got drunk and been unable to find each other a partner. We had stumbled home after a lot of beer and tequila and somehow fell over on the living room carpet. We drunkenly laughed for a few moments and then found ourselves kissing passionately. That was the first night that anything remotely sexual had happened between us, and I didn’t even expect it myself. We spent the night together and I woke up scared that he would feel embarrassed and reject me like all of the other guys in the past year had done. But to my surprise, he woke up and kissed me again and told me that he had started falling for me a few months back.

And so that was the start of our relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend. It felt so natural with Seth, possibly because we had known each other for a while and established a great relationship as best friends. Our relationship was amazing. It was overly passionate and he was always reminding me of why I loved him, being cute and romantic at any given opportunity. Even when we argued, there was a ridiculous amount of passion in the fights. After 2 years of being an official couple, he got down on one knee and proposed and I couldn’t have been happier.

My relationship was perfect and so it was only right that I sorted my career out. I had worked at the coffee shop for 3 years before I decided to move on. Seth had left after my second year to start training as a lawyer. He didn’t look the type to have that job at all, but he was awesome at it and I was bursting with pride. Being pushed along by Seth’s decision to train into a decent job, I decided that I would pursue my dream of becoming a teacher. My teacher training course was intense and ridiculously hard, way harder than uni or what I had expected it to be like. It had been a reason for a large amount of stress in my life and the cause for many an argument between Seth and myself, especially seeing as he too was stressed doing his course. But I told myself it would all be worth it in the end.

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