31. Chinese food and jam

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So I slept with Kaley last night, I did not see that one coming I must say. It’s not that I regret it, it’s just that I’m not really the one night stand kind of guy and I don’t really have any feelings for Kaley or anything so I don’t want to look like a dick or lead her on at all.

It’s been alright this morning, I’ve been feeling pretty awkward but it will be better once I’ve spoken to Kaley, I’m sure. She’s not exactly the awkward type of person anyway, I mean it’s fine between her and Dan since they had that drunken kiss.

We were watching The Lion King, one of my all-time favourites. I love lions, I love cats, who the hell wouldn’t. Shit me and Hattie have a cat together what the hell is going to happen to Kitty? Anyway, when the film ended, I said that I was going to head home, so I went into Kaley’s room to grab my jacket and she followed so we could have a little talk.

“So.. This isn’t going to be awkward between us is it?” She started.

I was so happy she had said that! “Noooo not at all, I’m not really the awkward type. I just don’t want to look like an arse or anything so I’m going to be completely honest right now.. It was just a drunken thing, wasn’t it?”

Relief showed in her facial expression. “Oh thank god you said that, yeah it was! Sorry Kyle, you’re great obviously but it’s just not right.”

“I totally agree, think we just got a bit caught up in the moment.”

“Definitely! It was a good moment to be caught up in to be fair.” She gave me a wink and a quick hug. “I’m glad we’re cool about this.” She said as we made our way out of the room.

I said bye to Dan and Ally and left the flat, making my way home. I was so nervous it was unreal, I really hope Hattie's not in.


Me and Dan were now onto our third Disney film. We had watched The Lion King, Monsters Inc and Up. I’m not ashamed to say I cried like a baby at the first ten minutes of Up, I had never seen it before and everyone always said it was sad but it really was! I love a good hangover cry though, is that weird? Just makes me feel better.

Kaley had been in her room pretty much all day, I hope she doesn’t feel weird with Dan here. I decided to go and speak to her in the evening, to see if she wanted any dinner.

I knocked on her door and went in. Kaley was sat up in bed, a book in her hands. She smiled as I entered the room and sat down on the end of the bed. “You alright darl? You’ve been cooped up in here all day.”

“Yeah fine, I’ve slept most of the day actually, and then decided to read a bit. Plus it would have been a bit annoying for you, having me third wheeling with you and Dan.”

“No it wouldn’t be! Don’t be silly, this is your flat too you idiot. Me and Dan are going to order a Chinese now, do you want some?”

She put her book down and got out of bed. “Uhhh yaaaa, when have I ever turned down a Chinese! As long as we get duck.. And sweet and sour… And chow mein.. Maybe some prawn toasts?”

“Yes, yes, yes and yes!” I laughed, wrapping my arm around her shoulder and walking out of the room with her.

We ordered the takeaway and had a massive feast of Chinese food. So so good. We watched tv until about 10 when me and Dan decided to go to sleep. We left Kaley watching some rubbish comedy film that was on, but she was finding it hysterical.

“Do you want to do something tomorrow?” Dan said, as we got changed and ready for bed.

“Yeah, of course.” I said whilst climbing under the duvet. I hope Dan wasn’t in the mood for anything tonight, I was so tired and still pretty full.

What would you do? (A Bastille/ Dan Smith fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now