I'm Ready

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It's the next morning and i've the worst headache ever. I cried myself to sleep last night, which means Wilmer didn't get much sleep either so I feel bad. I offered to sleep in one of the guest rooms but he said he didn't want to leave me alone when I'm upset so he held me while I cried. All night.

I don't think I can face getting up today and I have an important interview about my tour today which means I have to. Mom said she would ring me after it to let me know what happened when she dropped Elena off.

"wake up babe, your stylist is waiting downstairs for you" Wilmer kissed my forehead.

I sat up being already awake.
"Morning" I half smiled. I couldn't even manage to give him a kiss.

"I'll put on breakfast while you get ready and we can eat together before you leave. How does that sound?" he sat beside me stroking me hair.

"Thank you" i said in relief I'm honestly not up to anything today. I hugged him and kissed his cheek.

Wilmer turned around with his back facing me "Hop on" he laughed, lifting my mood a tiny bit.

I jumped on his back an he stood up.
"my little piggy" I kissed his cheek and giggled.

"that's the gorgeous laugh I like to hear" He smiled

"shut up" I smacked his ass and he took us both down stairs.

I was fine all trough breakfast because I had Wilmer to make me smile but when It was time to leave my mood suddenly dropped knowing that I would be fAking smile for the rest of the day.

"hey baby it'll be ok" he pulled me into a hug "ring me if you need me"

"Ok I will" I looked up at him.

"Have you got everything?" he asked

"Yep" I hadn't even checked.

"Phone?" he asked

"yep" I wave my phone at him "I have everyth-" Wilmer cut me off

"handbag" he laughed taking my handbag from the counter and handing it to me.

"Thanks" I giggled leaning up to kiss him.

"I love you" He said pulling awayu

"I love you too babe" I gave him one last peck and left.


Demi's stylist arrived pretty early today but I had ask her to wait for awhile because Demi didn't get much sleep last night cause she was too upset. I let Demi sleep in for an hour then I went to wake her up.

"Wake up babe,your stylist is waiting downstairs for you" I kissed her forehead but she was already awake so she sat up.

I could tell just by the way she said morning that she was still feeling down normally id get a kiss but I didn't even get a smile. today is gonna be hard for her.

Once I told her I'd make breakfast while she got ready her mood began to pick up and I know she loves it when I give her piggy back rides so I told her to get on and she began to laugh.

during breakfast we talked like normal but it's a bit different without Elena here I won't say this I demi but I'm actually gonna miss her being around.

Demi's mood dropped before she left and I know that her mood is gonna be down for the rest of the day and I don't know how she's gonna cope especially with her interview. I told her to call me but I know she won't so I guess I'm just gonna have to follow her to the interview, which is gonna a be hard seeing as people don't know we're together. I'll have to try my best to stay hidden.

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