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1 month later

"We leave for the tour tomorrow" I said as Dylan and I sat on the swing in my back garden.

"Do you have to go?" He Asked "I mean i'm gonna miss you a lot" he said taking my hand.

"I know, I'm gonna miss you too" I half smile "but Demi's my sister and I have to be there for her. Anyways I haven't really got a choice" I chuckled.

"I suppose" he smiled.

Things went quiet.

"I have to start school while on tour with a few of the girls she is touring with and then when I get back I have to go to normal school" I sighed.

"Maybe we'll be in the same school, then we could see each other more" he laughed.

"Maybe" I laughed.

The gates at the front of the house opened and I heard a car pull in.

"Demi?" Dylan asked.

"Yep" I smiled.

The doorbell rang and Dylan and I looked at each other weird "Demi has a key" I said standing up.

I stood up and Dylan followed me as I walked Into the house and through the halls until I reached the front door.

I opened the door to a complete surprise "Hola Elena" the guy said with a big smile.

Wilmer? What the fuck is he doing here "Demi's not home!" I said as I went to close the door.

"Wait!" he said wedging his foot between the door to stop it from closing.

"What?" I spat, the last thing I want to do is piss Demi off by letting Wilmer into our home.

"I came to collect something" he said "I left a box of documents here and my contract is in it"

For fuck sake!! I rolled my eyes and opened the door, while swinging my arm indicating for him to come in.

Wilmer walked in to see Dylan standing by the stairs.

"Who's the dude?" Wilmer asked.

"My boyfriend, now please get the box and go before Demi comes home" I Said , annoyed. I don't want Demi to arrive home to this dick wondering around the house. We leave for the tour tomorrow and she doesn't need the stress of Wilmer on her shoulders.

"More and more like your sister everyday" he smirked and made his way towards the office at the end of the hall.

I followed him with Dylan trailing behind.

Wilmer searched through the filing cabinets and drawers, while I sat on the desk.

"So" he said as he looked through all the paper " It's great to see you so healthy, how are you doing?" he asked.

"I'm good, Thanks! I wish I could say the same to you" I harshly said.

"That's good" he replied ignoring the other part.

He closed the drawer and turned around "it's not here, do you know if Demi mov-"

He was interrupted by the sound of the front door opening and keys dropping into the table.

"Shit!" I cussed.

"You totally did it on purpose" we heard Demi laugh as she made her way up the hall, probably going to the kitchen.

"Nah, it was a complete accident" the unfamiliar voice of a guy replied.

"Wait hold on!" I heard Demi cautiously say.

"What?" the guy replied.

"Someone's in my office" she said and her footsteps made their way towards the room accompanied by the guys.

"Elena?" she called.

Fuck! "this is all your fault" I said pointing my finger to Wilmer and just as I did Demi and the guy stood at the door.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Demi spat at Wilmer.

"I needed to get my contract" he replied leaning against the wall, looking from Demi and then to the guy.

"Nick" Wilmer scowled.

"Hello Wilmer" the guy called Nick replied. Oh the guy is nick, Demi talks about him a lot!

"I couldn't find the contract and I'm sure I left it here" Wilmer said annoyed.

"I moved it, along with the rest of your stuff, come on" Demi said as she walked out the office door.


I had just gotten back from the last tour meeting, I'm so excited to leave tomorrow. I asked Nick to come over for dinner so he and Elena could get to know each other seeing as they will be spending the next few months together.

"You totally did it on purpose" I laughed as we walked down the hall.

"Nah, it was a complete accident" Nick laughed. At lunch he managed to spill soda all over me.

Nick walked into the kitchen but I noticed something strange "what?" Nick asked walking back to me.

"Someone's in my office" I said making my way down the long hall, I'm the only person that goes in there.

"Elena?" I called she was meant to be home.

I heard whispering and just as I got to the door I saw the last person I expected to be there.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I spat at Wilmer. Like seriously after him cheating on me, months later he decides to show up at my house uninvited?

"I needed to get my contract" he replied, looking Nick up and down.

Him and Nick greeted each other unpleasantly. They've never really liked each other.

"I couldn't find the contract and I'm sure I left it here" he said pissed.

"I moved it! along with the rest of your stuff, come on" the sooner he gets that contract the quicker he'll be gone.

Wilmer followed me out to the garage, while the others stayed behind.
"I meant to give it to you but I was a bit busy with Elena and the tour so I forgot" I said standing on the step ladder, reaching to a box on the top shelf.

I got the box and managed to stay balanced until I went to get off and fell back.

Two big arms caught me "it's ok" Wilmer slightly smiled placing me down on the ground.

I slightly laughed at how awkward this situation was. a few months back I was jumping into his arms and now bumping into him feels like death because I still crave his touch and love. I still love him!

I looked into the box. Inside was documents and envelopes along with some tshirt and jewellery I had put in there. Stuff that Wilmer had given me.

I handed Wilmer the box and he looked in, he scanned the shirts and looked to me. He then put his hand in and pulled out a smaller box.

He opened it to see the diamond ring he had bought me when he asked me to marry him. he looked at me with sadness in his eyes and I turned away as I felt the tears form in mine.

"Anyways" I took a deep breath, wiped my eyes and turned around.

"If that's it-" I said

"Yeah I best be off, you have a big day tomorrow" he half smiled.

"Good luck with the tour" he said and leaned in to kiss my cheek but I turned my head away.

"Thanks, I appreciate it" I replied trying to brush off why nearly happend.

"Bye" he said and walked to his car.

"Bye" I said and walked in the front door, closing it behind me.

Kinda short I know! hope you enjoyed it 10 comment and 20 votes for the next chapter. please let me know if you liked it

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