Should We Be Worried?

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" What are you doing home?" I interrupted her trying to change the subject.

"They sent me home" she replied looking guilty.

"Why?" I firmly asked raising my eyebrow.

"For calling a teacher a bitch " she quietly said.

"You what?" I shouted.

"She was shouting at me and she was being extremely rude " she quickly said.

"Mmhmm" I crossed my arms "and what did she say to you?"

"So basically she started shouting at me because I had asked Farrah why everyone was staring at me an-."

"Why was everyone staring at you?" I asked confused.

"Because I look like you, anyways she started ranting on and asked me how long I was out of school for and I said I didn't feel comfortable talking about that but then she got angry so I said 8 months and then she continued on saying that I need to-" she did bunny ears with her fingers " 'come off my high horse and to step back into reality, because everything isn't handed to me when I'm in school" she said staring at me blankly.

"But when did you call her a bitch and how did you even get home?" She couldn't have walked, it's about 30 minutes away.

"Well I told her 'it's bitches like you that piss me off" she looked at her feet "and Marissa was there so she dropped me off" she quietly said.

"Marissa?" I raised my eyebrow "never mind how much trouble are you in?"

"Well I'm suspended for the next two days." she simply said.

I looked at her in the eyes "I'm so disappointed in you. Give me your phone and your grounded until the end of the week" she groaned loudly and handed me her phone and then headed for the door "by the way" I followed her out into the hall but she continued to walk "you're staying at moms again tonight, I have to go out. if you need anything get it ready now cause I'll be dropping you after I shower" I shouted down the hall to her.

"Whatever" she replied walking into her room

"And less of the attitude" I shouted just before she closed her bedroom door.

I walked back into my room closing the door behind me.

"Wil, you can come out" I said.

The bathroom door opened and he came out with a smirk.

"What?" I asked.

"You've turned into quiet the mother" he laughed.

"Sister" I corrected him "and yes, well I have to be strict with her or she'll walk all over me"

"Do I need to go?" he asked.

"No, I'll shower and drop Elena off at moms. just stay in here until we go" I said waking towards the bathroom door.

"Lock my door, so she doesn't walk in on you" I said before going into shower.

I left the bathroom door open so Wilmer and I could still talk but he just stayed in bed and watched tv.

"Fuck sake" I said looking around the bathroom "Wilmer" I shouted into him "can you grab me a towel, there should be one on the chair beside the tv"

I heard him get off the bed and walk to where it was. he then came into the bathroom with the towel for me. "What happened your clothes?" I laughed seeing as he had magically stripped down to his boxers.

"Wanted to get comfy" He walked up to the shower wrapping me up in the towel and then he picked me up bridal style and carried me in to my room and on to my bed.

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