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So it's been a few months now and the US tour is sadly over but it means I get a break for a while before we go to Brazil. so I can have some down time and chill with my family and friends.

"So how have you been doing?" I asked Naya as we ate lunch.

We've gotten really close these past few months.

"I'm good" she smiled "and you?"

"I'm good too" I smiled.

"Any spice in your love life?" I asked. Ever since Sean she hasn't really seemed interested in anyone.

"Not really" she sighed "how about you? any guys come looking for a bit of Demi? she laughed.

"No" I laughed. I can't let her know I'm seeing Wilmer. I can't let anyone know. That's been the hardest thing. we've been hiding it. Not even Elena knows and we tell each other absolutely everything.

"I don't believe that" Naya said in disbelief.

"And why not?" I laughed.

"Because you're gorgeous and single" she replied.

"Thank you but I guess the guys don't see what you see" I said siping my cola.

"Then they must be blind" Naya laughed.


After dinner I went home to Elena.

"Len?" I called as I walked into the foyer but I didn't get a response.

I ran up the stairs and down the hall.
I knocked on her door but still no response so I walked in.

Are you fucking serious? it's 2 o'clock in the day and she's in bed.

I stormed over to her window and opened up her curtains.

"Demi what are you doing?" she mumbled covering her face with the blankets.

I then when to her iPod that was luckily plugged into the docking station and found the loudest song possible.

"I know how much you love your rock music" I said before blasting it up full.

I then got on her bed and started jumping and singing along to the song.

"Get out" Elena shouted hitting me with a pillow.

"Nope get up" I shouted back.

"Deeeeemi, go away!!!" she argued.

I quickly got off the bed and pulled the blankets off too.

"Oh my gosh why are you doing this?" she sat up on the bed.

I went over an turned off the music "because I care about you and if you stay in bed all day you'll get depressed" I said opening up her balcony doors.

"but I have nothing to do when I get up" she moaned.

"Go outside like every other 16 year old in this neighbourhood" I said.

"I can't go out I might see him" she replied.

I furrowed my eyebrows "doesn't he go to your school? and he's in most of your classes.

"Yeah so?"

"So, you see him nearly everyday" I replied

"It's different Demi" she sighed.

"Just get up and come with me to get my hair done" I smiled.

Her eyes grew wide "Demi if you dye your hair again you'll have no more hair left to dye"

Demi Adopts (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now