Hiding (Final Chapter)

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"It's been 8 fucking hours why hasn't anything happened yet?" I screamed through another contraction. I had refused the option of having a section and I was only 6 cm dilated.

Camila had left for work and dad had taken Maddie and Elena home as it was late.

"Soon sweetie" mom rubbed my hand.

"Why can't they just induce me" I whined.

"Nena you already know they cant, it won't mix well with your meds" Wilmer said to me.

"For fuck sake" I said under breath. "Mom will you get me something to drink" I asked seeing as I was pretty thirsty.

"Of course" she smiled and kissed my forehead.

"I'll go with you" Dallas smiled "Wilmer do you want anything?"

"No I'm fine, thanks" he smiled back.

"Ok we'll be back soon" Dallas replied and they both left.

"Owww" I cried in pain as another contraction hit me.

"I hate seeing you like this" Wilmer sighed as he rubbed my head.

The contraction went and I scooted over in the bed.

"Lay with me?" I asked him as I pulled back the covers.

"Of course nena" he kissed my forehead before getting in.

Wilmer laid beside me placing one arm around my shoulder as I cuddle into him.

"You know.." he began to rub my tummy "in just a couple of hours we'll have our precious little baby's here with us and all of this pain will be worth it" he pecked my temple "we'll have our own little family" he whispered as I yawned. I was so tired but I couldn't sleep.

"You're right" I hugged his waist "nothing else will matt-" but I was cut off by another contraction.

After it went will whispered to me "close your eyes and try and rest because you're gonna need it" he slightly giggled and so did I.


A few more hours had passed and it was now 2 in the morning. my contractions had been getting closer and more intense, so the nurse decided to check on me.

"Ok sweetie" she said pulling away "it's time, you're 10 cm" she smiled.

I looked at her surprised "Really?"

"Yep" she confirmed "on the next contraction you're gonna want to push and on my count I need you to do that ok" she said walking away so she could get gloves.

"Ok" I nervously replied, I looked to Wilmer scared.

He softly smiled at me "It's gonna be ok hermosa, remember it's the start of our family" he kissed my forehead "it's all gonna be worth it"

"I'll go ring dad" Dallas said walking out of the room.

Wilmer stood beside me a mom stood in front of the bed.

I nervously waited and then the contraction came and the nurse was right I felt like I needed to push.

"On three" the nurse said and I nodded

On three I took a deep breath an pushed as I cried in pain.

Once I finished the nurse looked at me "That was good" she smiled "the head is already crowning"

"You can do it baby girl" mom said to me and Wilmer rubbed my hand as I squeezed his tight.

Dallas re entered the room as the second contraction followed and it was much worse.

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