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Ayo sorry there might be one chapter today as I was up all night reading and didn't start one.


     "Hey Dan? How come you haven't been talking with Phil here recently?" Peej looked up at me.

   We were sitting outside on the steps. He was sitting on one below me, causing me to be taller.

   "Because I don't like him." I said bluntly.

   "You don't know him." He said.

   "Good. Let's keep it that way."

   "Dan he's a really nice guy!" Peej stood up. "Give him a chance."

   "Why should I?" I squinted. "He doesn't deserve it."

   "Because I gave you a chance, remember?"

How could I forget..?

     "You'll do great." Camille smiled at me. I playing with the hem of my jumper as I listened to her words. Today was the first day of school for me, but for everyone else it was just another day in February.

   "I don't wanna go." I sniffled. "What if they're mean to me?"

   "Then I'll beat them up." She smiled. "Go. Show em who's boss."

   "Okay..." I hugged her quickly then walked into the classroom.

   "Oh? You're our new student yes? I'm Mrs. Evens. Take a seat beside Peej over there."

   I looked over to where she pointed and sat down. The boy she called Peej had a mop of curly brown hair and large eyes. He wore a bright green shirt and black trousers.

   "Hi im-"

   "I don't care." He spat, looking away.

   Around lunch time I was sat alone at a table. I didn't like it here.. I wanted to go home. My eyes started to sting, and suddenly my face was wet.

   "Are you okay?" A voice asked as they sat down beside me. She was shorter than I was, a little chubby, with blonde curly hair and a adventurous eyes.

   "I-Im fine!" I lied, wiping away the tears.

   "You're a bad liar." She giggled. "I'm Louise!"

   "I'm Dan." I replied, looking down.

   "Mind if I join you?" Peej asked as he sat down across from me. "You looked lonely, no one deserves to be alone."

   "T-Thank you." I smiled, looking at him.

   We became the infamous trio. Always getting into trouble and always doing things together. As we grew up Louise slowly drifted a part from us. She didn't cut us off completely, she still would say a hello and smile at us when we seen her in the hall. It eventually became just me and Peej. We stayed at each others houses almost every night and eventually people thought we were brothers. Attached to the hip, no one could stop us.

   "Yes..." I nodded. "I remember."

   "Then be nice to him," he sat in front of me. "Give the boy a chance."

   "But what about Dallon? I like him."

   "Dallon's a fuckboy Dan. He'll smash and then leave."

   "How do you know?" I scowled.

   "He did it to me.." Peej looked down. "I thought he liked me, too. But he didn't. He liked what was in my pants.."

   "So I should stay away?" I asked softly. He nodded.

   "Call Phil. Get him to stay the night with us." He said with a smile.

   "I've got a better idea." We ran up to my room. I walked to my window and found Phil's window was opened. I dialed his number and held the phone to my ear as it rung.


   "Look out your window." I said and hung up.

   Moments later Phil looked out his window and smiled at me.

   "Yes, Bear?" He leaned out slightly.

   "You're staying the night." I told him. "Pack a bag and come over."

   "Why do I feel like I don't have a choice?" He mused, laughing slightly.

   "Because you don't." I closed my window before he could speak, and turned back to Peej. "Time to get ready."


   We had just finished eating pizza, Camille said to not be so loud after midnight, as we were all in the lounge and her room was next to it. Currently we were sat on the couch watching a movie. Peej decided it was best to watch a horror movie because he was horror obsessed. But of course he had fallen asleep. I glanced over and seen Phil was, too. I hadn't changed yet so I quietly got up from my spot and went to my room.

   I dug out some pajama pants and quickly put them on, decided I'd sleep shirtless for that night. My eyes wandered to my wall with the window, and suddenly it seemed extremely bare and boring to me. I grabbed my paints, and soon it was covered in black. I didn't know what I was going to paint but it was going to have a black background, obviously. I had finally decided on painting a night sky, with dark purple grass and a leafless tree with a purple galaxy. I has the grass done and was working on the tree when my door opened.

   "What are you doing awake?" I asked Phil.

   "I honestly don't know." He smiled, sitting in my desk chair. "Do you do this all the time?"

   "Yes," I nodded. "It changes at least once a year."

   "You're very good at art, Dan." He spoke softly.

   "Thank you." I smiled. I was about to tell him to go away when I remembered Peej's words. "Want to help?"

   "How?" He tilted his head.

   "Paint little dots in yellow and white across the sky." I instructed.

   "Okay..." He picked up a small brush, almost a felt tip, and began doing so.

   I got a sponge and instructed him on how to do this part. "Just dab it around, don't dab where you already have, that way it gives it a cloudy effect okay?"

   I watched as he did so, he was good at it. He started with purple, then made it look cloudy with white and grey.

   "Thank you." I smiled. We had finished around three am, but we weren't tired yet. "We should go wash up."

   We had paint on our hands and I'm pretty sure it was in my hair. I had the paint on my hands washed off, but couldn't seem to get the stuff out my hair.

   "Lemme help," Phil said with a chuckle. I sat on top of the counter was he used a warm rag to get the paint out.

   "Is it almost gone?" I asked, looking at him.

   He chuckled, looking at me. "Yes. It's out."

   "Thank you," I said softly, looking down. "And I'm sorry..."

   "For what?"

   "Not giving you a chance."

   He lifted my chin, and frowned. "Dan don't ever say you're sorry to me ever again okay?"

   "But i-"

   "Ever." He cut me off. "Im okay, okay Bear?"

   I nodded, looking back down.

   Knock knock knock

"What's going on in here?" Camille asked. "I gotta pee so hurry!!"

   "We were cleaning paint off us!" I babbled, opening the door. "We'll be off to bed now! "

   I silently walked back to the lounge and laid back in my spot. Phil kept a smile on his face as his eyes closed. I couldn't help but smile too.

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