Thirty - Eight

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      "I missed you," Phil murmured into my neck. The clock on the wall read 3:25am, after we went into my room and had sex, we both fell asleep. I was the first to wake up, I watched him sleep, missing his presence. Eventually he woke up, but neither of us wanted to get up so we kind of just stayed together naked in bed.

   I began playing with his hair, he placed a soft kiss on my neck, and leaned up to look at me.

   "I love you, Dan." He said, his voice cracking.

   I reached up and gently took his face in my hands. He looked like he wanted to cry. "I love you too, Phil."

   "I'm so in love with you," He closed his eyes, making me smile. "I can't help it.. You're just.. You're you. The way you draw people in. How could anyone not love you?"

   "I don't want anyone to love me but you," I leaned up, kissing his nose. I wrapped my arms around his neck and gently pulled him down on top of me. Phil placed kissed along my neck, before rolling onto his side and pulling me close to him. I closed my eyes and listened to his unsteady breathing, until it became slower, more steady. Someway, somehow, I managed to fall asleep myself. But in no way was I complaining.

   The next day was passing by rather quickly. Phil and I sat at home in the lounge watching pointless tv shows and movies to pass the time. My phone lit up, and I grabbed it and seen a text from Chase.

Hey!! Let's all hang today yeah?

Yeah sure. Wanna meet up at the park??

The one by the lake? I'll be there in 20!

   "Phil," I sat up and turned to him.

   "Yes?" He looked at me with a smile.

   "My friend from camp wants to meet up with us at the park." I smiled. "He's bringing his boyfriend. Let's go!"

   "Alright... Get your shoes on, I'll drive."


     When we pulled up into the drive, I seen the familiar mop of almost straight hair. He was leaning against a taller male, with glasses and yellow blonde hair.

    "Those guys them?" Phil asked as we stepped out of the car. I took his hand and laced our fingers together. "Which is your friend?"

   "The short one." I answered with a smile. "Chase!"

   The short blonde turned, and began pulling his taller boyfriend toward us.

   "Someones eager." Phil said with a chuckle.

   "Hi Chase!" I smiled.

   "Dan!" He pulled me into the tightest hug possible, and I couldn't help but giggle.

   "Dan this is my boyfriend Troy." Chase let go and stepped back to Troy.

   "And this is Phil," I pulled Phil forward by his hand.

   His laced our fingers together and smiled at Chase. "Hello. Finally not a pixelated version of you, huh?"

   "Yup!" He smiled. "Oh! Phil this is-"

   "We've met before." Troy spoke up.

   I looked up at Phil, he wasn't looking at anyone, his eyes were looking around at the field, at the swings, anything else but us.

   "Phil..?" I gently tugged on his hand. He looked down at me, it was a painful glance.

   "You look familiar." Troy said to me.

   "Wait what?" I looked at him.

   "Yeah! I remember! It was-"

   "Yeah.. We've met before. It was at that party." Phil cut Troy off, glaring at him. "Troy was with Cat. He was the one encouraging her. After I seen you walk off I got his attention and we.."

   "You were encouraging her too what the fuck?" Troy stepped forward. "You dared her to seduce the scrawny femboy"

   "I didn't say th-"

   "Yes you did, Phil!" Troy's voice rose a little. I was shaking, Chase grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. "You were laughing at the whole goddamn ordeal!"

   "I was drunk!" Phil screamed. "Everything fucking funny when I'm drunk!"

   "Was this all a joke to you?" Chase asked him. Phil threw his glare at him. It softened for a moment when he seen me, but only for a moment.

   "Are you kidding me? I love him!"

   "You sure?" Troy was holding his phone to his ear. "Let's see what Chris has to say, hm?" Troy hit a button on his phone, held it out.

   "Can they hear me?" Chris asked.

   "Yes."  Chase called out.

   "This weekend Phil was with me," Chris began. "And.. We got drunk. When Phil gets drunk he's get easily turned on and we.."

   I turned and walked off. I ignored the yells from Chase, then begging from Phil, and the silence from Troy. I turned and I just left.

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