Twenty - Five

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     I threw my phone across my room and watched as it landed on my blue beanbag. Why couldn't he just tell his dad it was from me?? Is he ashamed of me? What was his dad's problem? Love is love, you don't choose who you fall in love with/what gender you're attracted to.

   I looked out my window to see Phil opening his. He motioned for me to open my window, I did.

   "Did I make you mad, love?" He hung out the window, pouting.

   "No.." I sighed. "Come over."

   "I can't," he glanced back behind him, his door was open. "He's still here."

   "Say you're going out to get something." I was practically begging by now.

   "Dan.." He sighed, looking back again. I'll sneak it okay? Be outside in five." I smiled and closed my window, then decided to wait.

   "Slow down!" Camille yelled with a giggle as I ran out of my room. I ignored her and went straight outside. As I closed the door Phil reached the top step. I didn't run and hug him, just sat that and took in his beauty. He wore a black and yellow plaid shirt, along with black skinny jeans and converse. He looked extra hot, and I wanted to take him then and there.

   "Hey cutie." He smirked. "Gonna stand there and stare? Or come here?"

   My cheeks flushed at the statement. I walked over to him and let him wrap his arms around me as I leaned into his fame. He kissed the top of my head, and chuckled. "You're spoiled." He murmured.

   "Mhm." I giggled. I looked up at him, and connected our lips. "Come inside, I don't like outdoors."

   "You need to get out more though." He chuckled. I held his hand, pulling him inside. We walked past Camille who looked very amused, and into my bedroom.

   "What's the problem?" He asked, looking at me.

   "So uhm.." I looked away. "I'm a few weeks im off to a camp.."


   I shrugged. "I'll be gone until school starts.."

   "You still want to go?"

   My heart wanted to scream yes, this camp was honestly the best thing in the world to me. I'd been waiting all year long to go here, but instead I just shrugged and looked down.

     "Tonight, let me show you my special spot I like to go." He smiled at me. "It's out by the lake, you'll love it."

  At first I didn't say anything. He seemed heartbroken that I was leaving for camp soon, but honestly nothing was changing my mind about going. He walked over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist and looked down at me. I smiled, embracing him back. "What time?" I asked, looking up at him.

   "I'll come pick you up whenever I get the chance," he answered. "Cause truthfully I don't know. Dads leaving tonight, so I got to be extra careful."

   "Okay.." I nodding, smiling. "For now I'm cuddling you until you have to go."


   Phil picked me up around 11pm, Camille had gone off to bed, like every other normal human on Earth. We drove in silence out to the lake he had talked about. He had a flashlight, meaning we were probably going a good distance from everywhere and everyone. He took my hand and led me out into the woods, where we made our way to a sandy area. He sat down, pulling me down with him.

   "I used to come out here when I needed a break from things." He said to me, looking up. I realized why, too. The stars shined bright out here, it was honestly breathtaking. I was in complete awe, this was Heaven.

   "It's... Beautiful." I smiled, looking at him. "I'm glad you brought me out here. I love it."

   "Dan.. " Phil looked down at the sand, "I.. I want to be with you for more than just the summer. Being with you makes me incredibly happy, and I can't get enough. I want to be with you forever.. I want us to last forever."

"Phil, don't tell me we'll last forever." I looked away, up at the dotted sky before us.

   "Why not?" He frowned. "I want to be with you forever, Dan."

   "Forever can last a second, and I don't want us to be just a second. I want to be your past, present, and future."

   "You're here for eternity," He pulled me to him,

   I climbed up into his lap and played with his shirt. "You promise?" I asked, looking at my hands.

   "On my life." He nodded. I nodded back, leaned forward and resting my chest against his. I slowly looked at the trees that were to his back, but to me in front, and frowned. If I was alone I'd be scared, but Phil was here. He wouldn't let anything get to me.

    "Be mine." He whispered against my lips. "Let me show you off."

   I smiled and leaned in, kissing his lips. My heart melted. Phil wanted me. He wanted to be with me. Someone wanted me.

   "Yes Phil.. I'll be yours. I'll be yours."

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