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     I smiled shyly as I walked back into the lounge where Chris and Phil were. Chris was so into what Phil was saying they didn't see us as we walked in. I took a seat beside my boyfriend, and timidly leaned against him.

   "I'm so... " Chris sighed, chuckling. "Wow."

   "Leave them alone," Peej hit Chris, making me giggle.

   "That wasn't how I wanted Dan and I to," Phil said, wrapping an arm around me. "I wanted our first to be romantic and sweet. But he just kind of undressed and damn, couldn't resist."

   "I'm dead!" Chris stood, laughing. "

   "I don't see what's amusing. The sexual tension between the two was crazy, now? Not so much." Peej smiled.

   "What's that supposed to mean?" I scoffed.

   "Yeah! I'll still fuck him like it's the first time!" Phil joined in. I blushed, looking at him.

   "Oh geez.." We all turn and see a very confused Camille standing in the doorway. "What did I walk into?"

   "Dan and Phil fucked in the bathroom!" Chris tattled like a child, pointing at us.

   "Oh really?" Camile placed her hands on her hips and looked at us both. That was my cue to hide my face, and so I did. I quickly turned to Phil, hiding my face in the crook of his neck and wrapping my arms around him. He chuckled, holding me.

   "It was my fault, Camille." He told her. I took the opportunity to give him a kiss on the neck, his hand gripped my hope a little tighter.

   "I get it, calm down!" She giggled, walking past us. "Just don't be too loud okay? I'm still here until tomorrow."

   "Camille!" I whined. She only winked, and headed off into her bathroom.

   "Well then.." Chris coughed. He and Phil and Peej began talking about stuff, but I was bored. I started kissing along Phil's neck, his grip moved from my hips to my thighs.

   "Dan we're still here you know." Peej spoke up. I pulled away quickly and looked at the two across from us, I forgot.

   "Sorry.." I blushed.

   "Don't be," Phil smiled at me. I nodded, leaning against him with eyed closed as he began talking away.

   I didn't realize I fell asleep until the cold hit me like a truck. I looked up as Phil placed a blanket over me and kissed my forehead.

   "No," I mumbled as I grabbed his hand.

   "Baby, I need to go get my stuff from there. You need sleep."

   I shook my head as I stood and laced our fingers together. "I'll go with you,"

   "No, you are going to stay here and sleep." Phil gently let my hand go. He brought it up to his lips and kissed it. "If something happens to you I wouldn't forgive myself."

   "Well if something happens to you-" he cut me off.

   "No, Dan. I can handle him, I know the man. You don't, please.. Just stay here." He looked like he wanted to cry.

   "Okay," I nodded and sighed. "But as soon as you get to your room you open the window and tell me you're okay."

   "Okay," he kissed my forehead. I watched painfully as my boyfriend walked out the front door. I quick ran to my room and opened the window. My heart was racing. What if his dad hurts him again? What if he dies? No.. Stop thinking this way, he won't die.

   "Phil come on.." I tapped the window frame. He opened his door quickly, closing it behind him. Just as he was to open his window his door opened, Angelina came in. She hugged him tightly, it looked like she was crying. Phil walked over to his window and opened it.

   "I love you." He yelled.

   "Phil that scares me!". I yelled back. "Tell me you're okay!"

   "I'm okay Bear," he smiled slightly. "I'll be there in a second!" He turned and began showing things into a small suit case. I watched Angelina as she pressed her back against the door and watched Phil, biting her nails. She kept glancing over at me, she even waved once. When he left his room I ran out to the lounge and waited by the front door. My eyes watched the clock.

Five Minutes.

   The front door opened, and I lunged at Phil, wrapping my arms around his neck tightly. He staggered back out of the flat, and wrapped his arms around me just as tight.

   "I was scared," I whispered. "Did he hurt you?"

   "No," he replied. He walked us into the house, and kissed my forehead. Angelina set the suitcase down quietly, gave me a smile, and walked out.

   That night Phil and I sat together on the sofa, watching movies we didn't really care for. I was focused on his presence. No one understood my love for this boy. I don't even think I do.

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