Part 2: Long day

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Narrator-As the day went by Junkrat was hanging out with tracer. But of course still needed to go to training so Junkrat was left alone most of the time.
The hours moved slower and slower and tracer appeared to talk to me less and less. I was so bored that I decided to work on my concussion grenade to make the explosion bigger and the bear traps teeth extra sharp. After awhile that got boring to and just sat down in the conference room. One side of the room had only windows and I got to see the view of the training course; which was were everyone was at, I decided to actually see what talents they had to be so prominent on the team. After awhile I could definitely tell why, it would definitely do some good on the battle field. My favorite was probably's, her special ability was that her mech would self destruct, AND BLOW UP!. It blew my mind. Training courses ended at 5:00 and everybody came back, some checked up on me but the rest of em hung out in the break room. I showed roadhog my new and improved concussion mine, I had just doubled the napalm, so I think the explosion was bigger Before I could press the detanator, soldier stopped me and said I had to test it outside for safety reasons.
The bomb did go off. It was a pretty big too, a little too big because birds flew out of trees after the bomb went off. Jamison decided to take the napalm down a notch and I couldn't agree more. We went back and had some pizza and played some pool for awhile.we had to stop after awhile because Jamison was about to go mad if he lost another game. We said goodnight and the lights em went off, I really was hoping that Jamison wouldn't have another nightmare.

Good news Jamison didn't, bad news he is really energetic today, hopefully the training courses will tire him out. After a few hours of training they let us relax in the break room for a while. Jamison was talkin to and tracer I decided to grab some tea and not think about anything and relax.
Training went by as usual, got pretty boring though so I purposely messed up a bunch of times  to get Lena to laugh, she did every time. Thankfully we got to have a break which, by the looks of it, everyone wanted to take a break. I grabbed some beer and chatted with Hana and Lena for awhile. "So Junkrat how's your head?" Hana questioned "it be fine mate!I  feelin better than ever!" And knocked on my forehead.  We all laughed. Hanzo came up to us  and told us about some news "you guys here about our mission, it's felt like years since our last one." Hanzo exclaimed "bout time we got on the battlefield!" Chirped Lena, she looked at me, looking for any signs of nervousness, I shook my head and took a jug of beer and sighed,"it'll be nice to what you guys can do" I said "you Betcha!" Hana replied. We laughed and talked until dinner, for that we had Chinese, it was pretty good. I felt quite full and decided to sit on a couch looking out the  window, just drowning in my own thoughts, sooner or later I had drifted off.  I was in Aussie, home sweet home!, I thought And then walked around until I found a city when I entered it was filled with people walking around, chatting and just having an overall good time. I saw a family leave a firework store and I wanted to check out what they had. Once the went out of view I went to see what was in stock. Ugh, just some lame fireworks that didn't have any bang, not to me at least heh, but then I noticed something, it was weird.... I didn't look the same, I'm mean it was me but just younger, way younger, before th- I was interrupted by rumbling in the ground and people screaming and running for shelter. I looked around trying to figure out what was going on, then I herd something loud from behind me, I turned around and saw smoke and fire heading straight towards me. I took off, running as fast as I could not even daring to look back.
*boom* a piece  of a building was falling in my direction, I moved back and then I remembered about the explosion. I was trapped,with nowhere to go. I stood there ready for my end when something pulled at my leg,  I looked down, it was a hand and before I could process that in my brain halve of me was already down into a sewer. A man tried pulling me down further but i wouldn't budge I looked up and saw that my leg was stuck. I tried as hard as I could to get untwined. But it was too late, I felt a sharp pain in my leg and then I wasn't stuck anymore.. I fell to the ground with a thud, just sat there for a minute, I saw the man he was young and big. He went up to me and grabbed some medical supplies out of his backpack, but then another man appeared he had a rifle in his hands "what the hell are you doing?!?" The man with the rifle asked, the big man didn't respond, "that's the last of are medical supplies, you can't just waste it on a kid who'll probably die in a few days." The big man didn't say anything,he just kept on trying to fix up my leg, I was to scared about the gun to realize what happened to me, the bottom halve of my leg was gone from the explosion. It was very bloody and I was losing blood."Stop!" The man yelled, no response from the big man, he yelled again but this time holding his rifle at me there was an awkward silence. I yelped when I herd him turn the safety off and closed my eyes really tight........*BAM!* the noise of the bullet echoed through the sewer. I paused and waiting for any sort of pain that wasn't coming from my leg, yet I didn't fell it. "Hey kid you can open your eyes now" I slowly opened my eyes and saw the man with the rifle on the floor and saw the big man put a pistol in his holster. He then lifted me up on his shoulder and started to walk. He then proceeded to kick the body of the man and I saw him drift away. Walking, walking for hours, I thought it was never gonna end. I sniffed, about the events that had just took place, my home had been turned into hell.  "It'll be ok kid promise me" the big said I wiped the tears off my face and replied with a small and quiet ok. there was no talking after that, just the footsteps of big man who had saved me. "I'm afraid I didn't catch your name" the big man said, "Jamison" I replied. "nice to meet you, my name is mako, and I am now your bodyguard", I was confused, "w-what's a bodyguard?" I asked, he stopped walking and thought for a moment... "it just means that I'm here to protect you", he started walking again. I then closed my eyes and drifted off, knowing that I would be safe thanks to my new body guard.
Me and Hana were talking about ideas for  what were going to do for our next mission, I heard someone yelp, I brushed it off and continued to chat with Hana. Then Jamison yelled across the room, the only people in the room were me, Hana, Jamison, and roadhog so no one else heard it. Roadhog immediately got up from his chair and walked up to Jamie, I then zoomed right next to him. I thought for a second, When you think of Jamie he is always hyper, sweet and crazy, this did not look like the Jamison I knew at all, he looked pale, was shivering, and he was sweating. Roadhog then shook Jamie up and then he jumped from his chair, gripping the armrests with eyes wide open. He looked at me than at Roadhog and sat there for a minute, then he got up from his chair, patted me and roadhog on the shoulder and walked away, hands in his pockets. Me and roadhog exchanged looks. "What is up the boy" I asked, Roadhog took a deep breath and paused he then said "it's nothing, probably nervous for the mission tomorrow" he then left .I sat down looked out the window "wow, this has been a long day" I said to my self.
A/n~ thanks for reading, i had so much fun writing this part, tell about things you would want to see happening in the following chapters, all for now peeps! 👍

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